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Discover the Top 12 Fun and Surprising Facts About Vegetarians You Didn't Know!

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Dive into the fascinating world of leaf-loving vegetarians and explore some amusing and intriguing tidbits that might just surprise you!

1. Celery: The Nutrient Superhero

Talk about a "stalk" market boom: Celery is more than just a rabbit's dinner and the crunchy backbone of your Bloody Mary! It's a powerhouse packed with antioxidants, boasting 12 distinct nutrient superheroes and 25 inflammation-fighting warriors ready to protect your body from oxidative calamity and inflammation nightmares. As a bonus, this crunchy green VIP also rolls out the red carpet to heal your stomach lining and reduce those ulcer gate-crashers while managing your tummy's secret party invitations in style.
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2. T. rex's Salad-Loving Cousins

Hold onto your veggie platters, dinosaur fans – it turns out the king-of-the-jungle's misfit cousins might have been a bunch of salad snobs: Research suggests that many close relatives of T. rex were likely herbivores or omnivores, with telltale features for plant-munching habits such as tooth loss, beaks, varied tooth shapes, and elongated teeth. Groovy beaks appeared at least five times in theropod evolution, and also graced the majestic maws of ceratopsians and hadrosaurs, but fret not, our beloved T. rex remained a ravenous carnivore!
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3. Leonardo da Vinci's Veggie-Stroke Mystery

Who said vegetarians won't risk it for the biscuit? Leonardo da Vinci, a herbivore himself, might have some concerns: Although there is no direct evidence proving Leonardo's vegetarianism played a part in his stroke, the journal Front Neurol Neurosci reports a complex relationship between vegetarian diets and the cerebrovascular system, with both positive and negative effects in the mix.
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4. Bill Clinton: Plant-Pushing Patriot

From burger-loving prez to plant-pushing patriot: Bill Clinton switched to a low-fat, plant-based diet in 2010 after emergency heart surgery, shedding over 30 pounds by sipping almond-milk smoothies, munching on leafy salads, and swapping Big Macs for quinoa and veggie burgers, with occasional organic salmon or omega-3-fortified eggs for essential nutrients. He even tries to resist bread's dough-eyed advances in favor of healthier nibbles like nuts and raw veggies with hummus.
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Lionel Messi's Veggie-Powered Legs

5. Lionel Messi's Veggie-Powered Legs

Feeding a Goal-Scoring Machine: Turns out, Lionel Messi's rocket-fueled legs run on veggies and veggie soups! The soccer superstar sticks to a strict vegan diet under the guidance of an Italian dietician, cutting carb-heavy foods 10 days before a match, and slurping vegetable soups with blood-circulation-enhancing spices five days prior. He even munches on boiled potatoes, fresh fruits, veggies a day before, and carb-free foods like oats six hours before a match. Messi has officially ditched chicken and seafood, opting to dribble past the meat aisle like a seasoned pro.
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6. Magnetic Fields for Lab-Grown Meat

Move over, Professor X: scientists have mastered the art of manipulating meat with magnetic fields! They've ditched the use of animal serum for lab-grown grub and instead, use pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate cell growth, making it a safer, cheaper, and greener alternative. As an added bonus, the secretomes extracted could potentially work wonders in the field of regenerative medicine.
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7. Vegetarian WWII 'V' Sign Legacy

While vegetarians during World War II weren't exactly seen flaunting "veggie vibes" through secret 'V' signs in a Brothers-in-Kale sort of solidarity, they still ended up fostering an influential gesture: The 'V' symbol used by Allies during the war evolved into a beacon of peace later adopted by counterculture movements and has even been proposed as a universal emblem for vegans today.
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8. Jains: Masters of Nonviolence Dining

When they say Jains are a-voiding violence, they're not just ant-agonizing over stepping on tiny creatures: These ultra-careful vegetarians avoid harming not just insects, but all living beings, by abstaining from consuming any food or drink with animal products or flesh, due to their deep commitment to the principle of nonviolence (ahimsa) in their religion.
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9. Greek Athletes' Not-So-Veggie Diets

Despite being the original Olympic heroes, ancient Greek athletes weren't exactly "going for the gold" in the vegetarian meal plan Olympics: In reality, while vegetarianism was widespread among them, they still consumed meat – albeit in smaller portions, with specific types being preferred based on their sport.
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Eye-Opening "Eating Animals" Film

10. Eye-Opening "Eating Animals" Film

Ever wondered what "chews" your favorite vegetarian friend makes while watching animal documentaries? They might be onto something: It turns out that Jonathan Safran Foer's memoir-inspired film, "Eating Animals," exposes the dark secrets of factory farms and encourages viewers to be more conscientious about the food they gobble down.
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11. India: Plant-Based Capital of the World

Who knew cows were so sacred in India that they'd become dietary influencers extraordinaire?: Holding the esteemed title of "Plant-Based Capital of the World," 24% of India's population - an impressive 574 million strong - adheres to a vegetarian diet, while an additional 9% opt for veganism, all thanks to cultural guidelines that affectionately favor our leaf-munching friends over their red meat counterparts.
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12. 12.Plant-Based Diets: Save the Planet and Your Wallet

Who says meat-eaters have all the fun? Kale's on you, carnivores: A recent Oxford University study revealed that adopting a vegan, vegetarian, or flexitarian diet can save you up to one-third on your food bill in high-income countries like the US, UK, Australia, and Western Europe. Vegan diets ranked the most affordable, followed by vegetarian, then flexitarian diets with just a pinch of meat and dairy – so it turns out, lettuce wallet-watchers rejoice in more ways than one!
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