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Discover the Oats-So-Fascinating World: Top 8 Fun Facts About Oats You Never Knew!

illustration of oats
Get ready to go oat-verboard as we delve into the fascinating world of oats and unravel some truly a-mues-ing fun facts!

1. Ancient Oat-Infused Glow

Before mud masks and cucumber eyes were all the rage, Egyptians and Arabs were the original skincare trendsetters, rocking that 2000 BC oat-infused glow: It turns out that oats have been used as a soothing and protective remedy for dry, itchy, and inflamed skin since ancient times, with colloidal oatmeal being FDA-approved as an over-the-counter drug for skin protection since 1989!
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2. Oats: A Time-Tested Staple

Bridging the oats-divide between a steed's feed and our morning bowl of cereal: oats have been a staple grain for centuries, with evidence of their cultivation going back to Bronze Age Europe, making them the third most important grain crop in the United States, and particularly essential to areas with cool, wet summers, such as Northwest Europe.
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3. Three Little Pigs Go Heart-Healthy

Breaking news: The Three Little Pigs have decided to make healthy lifestyle changes and are now insulating their homes with oats—specifically for the energy-boosting and cholesterol-fighting benefits! The secret weapon: oats contain more soluble fibre than any other grain, creating a gel-like substance in the stomach that keeps hunger at bay, slows glucose absorption, and reduces cholesterol levels. Plus, their anti-inflammatory properties make for porridge-perfect skin!
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4. Oats: The Mane Attraction

Ever feel like your hair is staging its own rebellion, thirsting for vengeance on a dry and static-filled battlefield? Fear not, for a humble hero awaits in the shadows to save your locks: colloidal oatmeal, when added to a conditioner, not only helps prevent hair from losing excess water but also maintains a normal pH, thanks to its potent blend of antioxidants, ferulic acid, and vitamin E. Next stop: a well-tamed mane!
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Oats: Laughter's Cholesterol-Fighting Rival

5. Oats: Laughter's Cholesterol-Fighting Rival

Whoever said laughter is the best medicine clearly underestimated the power of a big bowl of oats: this breakfast staple not only reduces LDL cholesterol levels, but also generously helps with shrinking our waistlines, winning the battle of the bulge, and keeping our tickers in tip-top shape, according to a systematic review of 74 randomized controlled trials.
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6. Gluten Scandal: Oats' Close Encounters

Did you hear about the oats scandal on oats? They just couldn't keep their distance from gluten: it turns out that oats, naturally gluten-free, may end up contaminated with the sticky protein due to close encounters during growing and processing. Worry not, gluten-avoiders, for Purity Protocol Oats or Gluten-Free Oats save the day, being grown and processed with strict rules and gadgets meant to keep them away from malicious gluten invaders.
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7. Oats: Skincare's Porridge Secret

If your skin were a bowl of porridge, it would definitely have oatmeal on the ingredients list: Oats are filled with compounds like ferulic acid, avenanthramides, and vitamin E, which offer fantastic skin benefits such as balancing pH levels, reducing histamine release, and soothing dry skin from various conditions like atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and sunburn.
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8. From Medicinal Potions to Power Bowls

From ancient tummy-soothing potions to modern power bowls, oats keep our mornings oat-standing and our guts in check: These versatile grains, cultivated for over 2,000 years, first found their way into medicinal concoctions before becoming everyone's favorite porridge and landing a leading role in traditional Scottish bannocks, which are a delicious unleavened flatbread made from, you guessed it, oats!
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