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11 Juicy Fun Facts About Fruit: Uncover Surprising Health Benefits and More

illustration of fruit
Get ready to go bananas over these juicy tidbits as we peel back the layers and reveal some tasty fun facts about fruit!

1. Watermelon: Lycopene Superhero

Watermelon: the unsung hero we didn't know we needed, speeding past tomatoes in the pursuit of justice for lycopene – an antioxidant powerhouse thriving in the red depths of its fruity soul: As it turns out, watermelon actually offers a higher concentration of lycopene than tomatoes do, and has been found to effectively boost blood levels of both lycopene and beta carotene, which our bodies convert into vitamin A. So go ahead, treat yourself to a slice of crime-fighting hydration – saving your body one antioxidant at a time.
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2. Cucumbers & Pumpkins: Undercover Berries

In a world full of identity crises, your garden variety cucumbers and pumpkins turned out to be undercover berry agents, while strawberries have been masquerading around like they own the definition of a "berry": Shockingly, according to botanists, cucumbers and pumpkins are classified as berries due to their seeds and thin endocarp; whereas strawberries, despite their name, are not considered berries because they deviate from this structure.
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3. Tomatoes: Nightshade Fruits

You say tomato, I say potato; let's call the whole thing fruit: Tomatoes are actually fruits in the nightshade family, alongside their relatives eggplant, peppers, and potatoes; despite having a few mischievous alkaloids with potential health risks, they make up for it with beneficial antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals when consumed in moderation.
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4. Figs: Wasp-free Crunch

Worried about the bitter end of a fig-loving wasp? Crunch away without fear: figs employ a unique partnership with wasps for pollination, where female wasps enter figs to lay eggs, but those who pick female figs only end up pollinating and getting digested by fig enzymes, leaving just seeds for you to enjoy.
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TomTato: Tomato-Potato Hybrid

5. TomTato: Tomato-Potato Hybrid

When life gives you tomatoes, make tomato-potato plants: Enter the quirky "TomTato" – a plant created by Thompson & Morgan that grows both tomatoes and potatoes simultaneously. With grafting craftsmanship that would make Dr. Frankenstein proud, this potted wonder produces roughly 500 cherry-sized tomatoes above ground, and potatoes as its underground treasures. Although it has a one-season lifespan and a $24 price tag, the TomTato's novelty factor is ripe for the picking, but not exactly fruitful for large-scale farming.
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6. Citrus Fruits: Undercover Berries 2.0

Orange you glad that citrus fruits have a secret identity? Plot twist: they're dressed to impress as undercover berries! : It might be hard to peel-ieve, but oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, kumquats, and clementines are all part of the berry clan, known formally as hesperidia; they come equipped with leathery skin that easily separates from the fleshy segments within and are ready to make a zesty statement.
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7. Peaches: Fuzz Therapy

Who needs facial when you can have fresh fruit fuzz? It's peachy keen to know that peaches come with their own natural fuzz therapy: Peaches and nectarines may be close cousins in the stone fruit family, but the key difference lies in their outer layer – while nectarines boast a sleek, smooth skin, peaches pamper you with their soft and fuss-free fuzz, all thanks to a unique gene variant.
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8. Rose Family: Casanova Culinary Fruits

Who knew roses were the culinary Casanovas of the plant world, seducing our taste buds with their fruity offspring: Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and even our beloved apples, pears, plums, cherries, apricots, and peaches all belong to the Rose Family. However, these fetching fruits demand a fair share of attention, being prone to pesky pests and fungal flirtations, and even playing matchmaker by requiring the close companionship of two different blooming varieties for apple and pear trees to bear fruit.
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9. Apricot: Early Summertime Star

Feeling a little apricot-cious lately? Here's a little trivia that'll make you peachy keen on these fuzzy fruits: The name "apricot" actually stems from the Arabic word "al barqūq", meaning "early ripe", and was later embraced by the French as "abricot", perfectly capturing the fruit's penchant for making an early entrance to summer fruit soirees.
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Jackfruit Maximus: Heavyweight Fruit Champion

10. Jackfruit Maximus: Heavyweight Fruit Champion

Move over, heavyweight champions of the world: the real "Fruit of the Loom" has officially entered the ring! This fearsome contender may be no Mike Ty-fruit, but it's got the muscle to crush puny grapes and apples alike. Behold the awe-inspiring, tree-dwelling gladiator – Jackfruit Maximus: This colossal botanical behemoth holds the Guinness record for the world's heaviest jackfruit, tipping the scales at a staggering 42.72 kilograms (94.18 pounds), making it the ultimate fruity Goliath.
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11. Ancient Wine: 6000-Year Grape Party

If Ancient civilizations had a talent show, winning "Grape-est Act" would've been a piece of cake for Greeks, Cypriots, Phoenicians, and Romans – they had the whole vineyard experience on lockdown: In reality, the oldest known winery found in Armenia dates back to around 4000 BC, which means humans have enjoyed grape-based products like wine, brandy, and vinegar for over 6000 years, and that's something to raise a glass to!
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