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Unlocking Minds: Top 8 Astonishing Fun Facts About Psychiatrists You'll Love to Discover

illustration of psychiatrists
Dive into the intriguing world of psychiatrists with these quirky and fascinating tidbits that just might make you rethink your perception of the mind-doctors!

1. Laughter Prescription

Why did the psychiatrist prescribe a barrel of laughs with a side of giggles? Turns out, it's just what the doctor ordered: Laughter is not only great for your mental health but also your physical well-being, as it relaxes the body, boosts immunity, triggers the release of feel-good chemicals, protects the heart, and even burns calories while fostering stronger relationships and group bonding.
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2. Couch Auditions

Casting Couches: A new spin-off series where psychiatrists audition different pieces of furniture for their patients to lounge on! Kidding aside: nowadays, psychiatrists often use chairs instead of the classic couch to foster a trust-based connection with patients during therapy, a trend that began in the 1970s with the popularity of cognitive behavioral therapy.
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3. Swiping Right on LGBTQ+

Talk about swiping right on society: In 1973 the APA removed homosexuality from their list of mental disorders, after years of activism from the LGBTQ+ community and a DSM update, which would undoubtedly leave that "sociopathic personality disturbance" diagnosis on-"seen" forever!
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4. Shrinking Shrink Supply

Whoever said laughter is the best medicine clearly hasn't met a psychiatrist: These brain wizards are in high demand, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics projecting an 11.2% job growth rate between 2016 and 2026, and yet, we are facing a shortage! Shrinking numbers of med school grads are heading into psychiatry while veteran shrinks approach retirement, leaving us with about 4,000 Mental Health, Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) to sort out our noggin kerfuffles.
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PhD Jack-of-All-Trades

5. PhD Jack-of-All-Trades

Like a jack-of-all-trades, but with a PhD in nurturing the noggin: psychiatrists can specialize in child, adolescent, forensic, or geriatric psychiatry, offering their well-honed expertise to minds of all ages and mental health situations, ensuring no one is left brain-teasingly uncared for.
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6. Tea Party Tardiness

Why did the psychiatrist take so long to attend your tea party? They were busy with an excessive amount of schooling, training, and probably diagnosing their own colleagues: A psychiatrist goes through at least a grueling 12 years of post-high school education, and up to 14 years for child and adolescent psychiatry, mastering skills such as psychotherapy, use of psychiatric medications, and various other treatments. Optional specializations like addiction, forensic, or geriatric psychiatry can add even more years to their packed calendars.
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7. Mindhunters of Mental Health

Psychiatrists, the real-life Mindhunters, hunting not for serial killers but for the complex creatures called mental disorders: they approach their investigations with an impressive detective flair, examining the interplay of biological, psychological, and environmental factors to unravel the mysteries of the human mind.
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8. Psychologist Prescriptions

Who says psychologists can't have a prescription for success? They're not just here to lend an ear and analyze dreams of roaming around naked at a grocery store: Psychologists in Louisiana, New Mexico, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho can actually prescribe medications for mental disorders, as long as they complete specific training and meet certain requirements. Go figure!
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