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Discover Tranquility: Top 7 Amazing Fun Facts About Meditation You Never Knew

illustration of meditation
Dive into the zen-tastic world of meditation as we unravel some mind-blowing fun facts that might just leave you craving for more mindful moments.

1. Meditation Slows Down Time

Does your 9-to-5 feel more like an eternity? Harness your inner Zen master to slow down the rat race: Mindfulness meditation practitioners report feeling less time pressure, experiencing time dilation, and a generally slower passage of time compared to non-meditators, a cross-sectional study revealed.
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2. Brain-Boosting Mind-Calisthenics

Did you know that meditation gives your brain a workout that puts Jane Fonda's aerobics to shame? It's the ultimate mind-calisthenics for all those mindfulness buffs out there: Meditation actually increases cortical thickness in brain regions related to attention, interoception, and sensory processing. So not only does it boost your brainpower and cognitive abilities, but it also helps counter age-related thinning in the prefrontal cortex – take that, Father Time!
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3. Reducing Office Squirrel Syndrome

Here's a little secret to spill the tea at work without getting burned: Loving-kindness meditation (LKM) has been found to reduce negative vibes and help coworkers stop hiding their knowledge like squirrels stashing nuts for the winter! The serious scoop: A study showed that LKM significantly reduced workplace knowledge hiding and negativity, although it didn't quite boost mindfulness, positivity, or rationalized hiding. It's definitely food for thought when it comes to brewing an open and collaborative work environment!
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4. The Sleep-Improving Superpower

Tossing and turning all night with the grace of a drunken ballerina on roller skates? Don't fret, there's hope in stillness: Meditation has been shown to improve sleep quality and alleviate an array of physical and mental health issues, such as stress, PTSD, anxiety, depression, pain management, weight control, addiction, sexual dysfunction, IBS, ulcerative colitis, cancer, heart-related problems, and attention deficits.
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Good Vibes Party Trick

5. Good Vibes Party Trick

Why did the meditation practitioner get invited to every party? They always knew how to bring good vibes to the room: A Stanford University study found that practicing a short guided loving-kindness meditation can increase social connection and positivity towards strangers, helping to promote positive emotions and reduce feelings of isolation.
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6. Whac-A-Mole Brain Solution

Ever feel like your brain is stuck in a never-ending game of Whac-A-Mole, desperately trying to process the constant barrage of stressors in the information age? Meditation might just be the mallet you need: A study by UW Information School professors reveals that mindfulness-based meditation training enhances concentration, reduces task-switching, and improves memory among individuals in high-stress environments compared to those who received relaxation training or no training at all. So, hit that mental reset button, and start meditating your way to a more focused and stress-free mind!
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7. The Meditation Fountain of Youth

Did you hear about the nuns and emo kids who joined forces to become immortal? It turns out meditation might hold the secret to eternal youth: Studies suggest that mindfulness meditation could help maintain telomere length—a protective cap on chromosomes linked to cellular aging—by reducing stress and promoting positive cognitive states, potentially increasing lifespan, though more research is needed.
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