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Discover the Joy: Top 13 Fun Facts About Gratitude that Will Brighten Your Day

illustration of gratitude
Dive into the world of thankfulness, as we unravel some surprising and delightful fun facts about gratitude that are bound to leave you feeling warm and fuzzy inside.

1. Grateful Sheep for Better Sleep

If counting sheep isn't keeping you on cloud nine, try counting your blessings instead: Gratitude has been shown to activate the hypothalamus, leading to better sleep quality, deeper rest, and improved overall health and wellbeing.
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2. Filipino Gratitude Boosts Pandemic Positivity

Knock, knock! Who's there? Grateful! Grateful who? Grateful Filipinos bringing joy amidst a pandemic: A 3-week online pilot study found that gratitude and kindness interventions led to higher levels of positive emotions in Filipino undergraduate students during the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to a control group, underscoring the emotional bonus of championing gratitude and benevolence in trying times.
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3. Thankful Heart, Healthy Heart

Who needs Dr. Love when you've got Dr. Gratitude? This prescription of thankfulness might just save your heart in more ways than one: According to a pilot study published in Psychosomatic Medicine, gratitude journaling has potential to improve biomarkers related to heart failure morbidity by reducing inflammation and enhancing parasympathetic heart rate variability responses during a gratitude task.
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4. Gratitude: The Relationship Glue

Next time you find love in a hopeless place, throw in some gratitude for an extra-strength relationship adhesive: Research from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign reveals that expressing gratitude can help couples weather tough times, protecting them from negative effects of arguing and financial strain, leading to better functioning relationships and higher satisfaction levels.
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Gratitude: The Superhero Cape

5. Gratitude: The Superhero Cape

Feeling a little down in the dumps? Enter the GRATitude: a superpower-infused cape that'll turn you from grumpy cat to frolicking kitten: Practicing gratitude not only elevates your mental health, but it serves up a delicious side dish of physical benefits such as improved sleep quality, reduced stress levels, and fewer journeys to the doc's office. So, put on that cape and see yourself transform!
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6. Cupid's Grateful Bow for Stronger Relationships

Feeling Cupid's got your tongue? Turn the tables, and make your beau's heart flutter in gratitude: Regularly practicing gratitude is known to improve mental health, boost your immune system, and even strengthen connections in relationships – including the romantic ones – leading to greater satisfaction and happiness in personal bonds.
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7. Gratitude's Magical Blood Sugar Control

Forget eye of newt and toe of frog, insert a dash of gratitude for some magical blood sugar control! That's right, an enchanting 2017 study has demonstrated that those who add a sprinkle of gratitude to their daily brew have lower blood levels of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c): quite simply, practicing gratitude improves the way blood sugar is managed, motivates you to pump up your potion of exercise and indulge in a more balanced nutritional buffet, helping to ward off the wicked sorcery of diabetes.
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8. Inner GPS for Life's True North

Feeling a little lost in life? Just embrace your inner GPS for a very human reason: Studies have shown that having a sense of meaning in life can increase our likelihood to exhibit prosocial behavior, meaning those who find their true north are more inclined to give others a helping hand and contribute positively to society.
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9. Mending Hearts with Gratitude

Gratitude sure knows how to mend a broken heart... and improve its health too! Our humble thanks could give doctors a run for their money: Studies reveal that adopting an attitude of gratitude leads to enhanced physical and mental well-being, including better sleep quality, improved cardiovascular health, and robust emotional resilience during tough times.
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Gratitude: Heart Health Superhero

10. Gratitude: Heart Health Superhero

Gratitude is like a superhero for your heart, swooping in to save the day with its mighty thankfulness powers: Studies show that consistently practicing gratitude can lead to improved heart health, positively impacting biomarkers associated with heart disease risk and even significantly lowering diastolic blood pressure, all while regulating your breathing and heart rate for ultimate stress relief.
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11. A Grateful Heart's Cardiovascular Shield

Forget the apple, a gratitude a day keeps the cardiologist away: Studies show that people who incorporate daily gratitude exercises into their lives experience fewer heart disease symptoms, making thankfulness a potent medicine for both the soul and the cardiovascular system!
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12. Gratitude's Treasured Growth and Peace

Some might say "yo-ho-ho and a bottle of gratitude," but pirates aside, the true treasure lies in thanking our lucky stars: Dr. Gregory Jantz, founder of The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, claims that practicing gratitude can lead to spiritual maturity, heart at peace, and even improve health, as individuals who continuously recognize their blessings become more resilient and better equipped to handle life's challenges.
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13. Dream Cruise on the Gratitude Sea of Wellness

Who knew that saying "thank you" could be your ticket to a dream cruise through the Sea of Health and Wellness: Studies show that individuals who frequently practice gratitude tend to enjoy a myriad of health benefits, such as better sleep, lower blood pressure, and a stronger immune system as they paddle down the River of Age.
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