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Discover the Zen: Top 12 Fun and Fascinating Facts About Yoga You Never Knew!

illustration of yoga
Unravel the fascinating world of yoga, as we bend over backwards to bring you a mind-stretching assortment of little-known fun facts that are sure to twist your perceptions!

1. Goat Yoga Craze

Baa-maste, my fellow yogis: Lainey Morse's goat yoga classes in Albany, Oregon, have gained such a following that there's currently a staggering 1,200-person waiting list for an 'udderly' calming experience. Morse's uniquely therapeutic sessions have participants bending and stretching amidst the friendly goats, who roam freely – and adorably – around the pastoral landscape, offering zen-ful snuggles for those seeking relaxation and healing.
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2. Doga: Canine Yoga

Woof and bend: every dog has its day, and that includes striking a pose with their human pals! Doga, or dog yoga, is a real thing that helps canines with hip dysplasia or age-related pain through gentle stretching and massages, enhancing their overall flexibility without overdoing it.
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3. Harry Potter Yoga Magic

Whether you're a Muggle or a member of the Order of the Phoenix, even Hermione Granger would have enjoyed this surprisingly enchanting exercise session: Isabel Beltran, a yoga instructor, conjured up a Harry Potter-inspired yoga class that blends traditional poses with whimsical touches from the wizarding world, all designed to welcome yogis of all magical abilities and themed around fantastic beasts to celebrate the then-upcoming movie release.
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4. Yoga Olympics: Balancing for Gold

Yogis, get ready to stretch your way to the gold: The International Yoga Sports Federation is working with various Yoga Federations to develop Yoga Sports into an official Olympic sport, focusing on the Asanas (one of the eight limbs of yoga). Established on April 29, 2013, as a non-profit association under Swiss law in Lausanne, the IYSF is bending over backwards to promote events on their calendar.
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Pretzel Wisdom from Yoga Sutras

5. Pretzel Wisdom from Yoga Sutras

Twist yourself into a pretzel, but hold the mustard: Out of 196 aphorisms in the Yoga Sutras, only 2 actually mention physical postures, while the rest focus on ethical guidelines, breath control, meditation, and other holistic spiritual practices.
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6. 36 Million American Yogis

In a land where "namaste" is now as common as apple pie and Uncle Sam himself might be stretching into Downward Dog: the United States boasts a staggering 36 million regular yoga practitioners, proving they've truly embraced the ancient exercise with open hearts and bendy bodies.
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7. India's Wellness Wonderland

If laughter is the best medicine, then India's got the pharmacy stocked: The wellness industry in India, which includes yoga, has a whopping net worth of INR 490 billion, making up 40% of the market. Featuring an all-star cast of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy, the AYUSH sector boasts an annual turnover of around INR 120 billion, with scrappy micro, small, and medium enterprises making up over 80% of the league. The cherry on top is a INR 40 billion products market, dominated by OTC stars like digestives, health food, and pain balms, which have nearly 75% of the billing share.
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8. Namasteptember: US National Yoga Month

Ever heard of Namasteptember? That's right: Every September, when pumpkin spice invades lattes and cardigan weather returns, the United States Department of Health & Human Services hosts National Yoga Month to educate citizens about the health benefits of getting bendy and balanced. Stretching further, yoga studios across the nation offer free one-week classes with the Yoga Month Card, allowing aspiring yogis to contort themselves into shape and experience the age-old truth that yoga does a body good.
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9. 5,000 Years of Yogic Innovation

From goats in your boat to bending the knee like a Cirque du Soleil prodigy: Yoga has been around for more than 5,000 years, offering oodles of health benefits such as stress relief, increased flexibility, and strength gains, while also inspiring quirky adaptations like goat yoga and paddleboard yoga to keep things fresh and exciting.
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COVID-19 Laughter Yoga Therapy

10. COVID-19 Laughter Yoga Therapy

Who says laughter is just for comedy clubs and funny cat videos? Turns out, chuckling your way through a pandemic can be great for your health, too: A study showed that practicing laughter yoga for four weeks (twice a week) significantly reduced stress and burnout levels in nurses during the COVID-19 outbreak, while boosting their life satisfaction.
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11. Dive into Water Yoga Bliss

Are you ready to make a splash with the most unexpectedly delightful way to pamper your muscles and joints? Dive into water yoga – the liquid stress-melter: By harnessing the natural buoyancy of water, pool yoga alleviates aches and pains, while warmth increases blood flow and reduces inflammation, allowing you to emerge as a more relaxed and healed version of yourself!
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12. Hanging Like a Sloth: Aerial Yoga Therapy

When you're hanging like a sloth at the playground and someone calls it "therapy," you know you've hit the aerial yoga jackpot: Turns out, aerial yoga can actually help reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, leading to increased feelings of joy and satisfaction.
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