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Embrace the Joy: Top 9 Fun Facts About Hugs You Never Knew

illustration of hugs
Get ready to embrace the world of cozy cuddles as we unveil some heartwarming and amusing fun facts about hugs!

1. Hug Away Stress

Feeling like a tightly wound-up stress ball? Unwind with a squeeze of a different sort: A 20-second hug from a loved one can release the feel-good hormone oxytocin, leading to lower blood pressure, a slower heart rate, and an instant mood lift, effectively transforming you from a bundle of nerves to a puddle of Zen.
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2. Hug-antibiotics

Who needs vitamin C when you can take a daily dose of hug-antibiotics? Science says it's no laughing matter: A study from Carnegie Mellon University revealed that frequent hugs can lower the risk of infection and reduce the severity of illness symptoms, while also beneficially acting as a measure of social support and intimacy. So roll up your sleeves and get your prescription filled at the nearest Hug Pharmacy.
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3. Conflict Diffusing Hugs

Ever felt like you're in dire need of a portable "emotion-quencher" during a heated argument? Perhaps a secret weapon concealed in a loving embrace? Worry no more, for the almighty hug is here to save the day: Research from Carnegie Mellon University reveals that receiving a hug on a day filled with conflict can actually decrease negative emotions and increase positive ones, with the effects carrying over to the next day as well. Be it a firm bear hug or a gentle squeeze, it's time to cloak ourselves in comfort and diffuse those pesky mood-ruiners!
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4. Immune System Booster Hugs

Skip the pharmacy and hug it out, folks: Studies reveal that regular, heartwarming squeezes can boost your immune system by triggering our endogenous opioid system and increasing oxytocin production, meaning a heartfelt embrace might be just the ticket to ward off that pesky cold!
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Six-Second Health Hug

5. Six-Second Health Hug

Next time you're feeling under the weather, skip the pharmacy and start a hugging spree: embracing for more than six seconds boosts your oxytocin, AKA the "love drug," which can help lower blood pressure, diminish stress and fatigue, strengthen the immune system, battle infections, and alleviate depression. Just make sure it's a heartfelt squeeze, not a flimsy pat on the back!
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6. Pure Puppy Love Hugs

These two furry buddies have truly raised the "paw" in friendship goals: Lottie the Border collie and Grizzly the German shepherd, hailing from Ontario, went viral on the internet for their adorable hugging trick, which they developed without any training – showcasing that sometimes, all you need is pure puppy love to become an overnight sensation.
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7. Snuggly Growth Spurt

If you thought a hug was just a warm embrace, buckle up for this growth spurt: Hugging children releases oxytocin, which stimulates growth hormones like insulin-like growth factor-I and nerve growth factor, promoting their physical and mental development in the process. Talk about a snuggly investment in their future!
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8. Cuddle Prescription

Feeling a bit sneezy and wheezy? Don't reach for the tissue box just yet, try a cuddle prescription instead: Research from Carnegie Mellon University has discovered that individuals who receive more social support and hugs are less likely to fall ill, even when facing interpersonal conflicts. Who knew the cure for sniffles was a good ol' embrace?
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9. World-saving Embraces

If you find yourself in the embrace of a loved one, fret not, for it might just be the hug that saves the world—or at least, your immune system: Hugging boosts the production of oxytocin and other beneficial hormones, reduces stress, enhances heart health, and improves overall well-being by alleviating depression symptoms and improving sleep and focus.
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