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Discover the Unexpected: Top 11 Fun and Fascinating Facts About Nails You Never Knew!

illustration of nails
Dive into the fascinating world of nails, as we scratch the surface and uncover a treasure trove of little-known nail-related gems!

1. Chilly Nails

Feeling chilly? Your nails might be, too! As cryotherapy for fingertips isn't yet a thing, it seems like our fascinating keratin extensions have taken matters into their own hands—or tips, if you will: nails grow slower in colder weather due to reduced circulation, while warmer climates or seasons don't seem to give them a growth spurt after all. Keep an eye on those textural changes, as they might be the harbingers of some cool damage to your nail's matrix.
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2. Ghostly Manicure Myth

Rumor has it that nails have an afterlife affair, secretly growing beyond the grave like a ghostly manicure: Alas, this eerie belief is but an illusion, as nail growth ceases with death, and the apparent elongation is merely the handiwork of the skin retracting due to dehydration and drying.
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3. Summertime Nail-tanical Garden

Get ready for a summertime nail-tanical garden: nail growth accelerates during the warmer months, so bask in the sun and witness your nails flourish at full speed!
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4. Qing Dynasty Nail Guards

Before there was ever a "break a nail" meme, China's elite had a stylish solution to protect their prestigious keratin: During the 19th century Qing dynasty, wealthy Chinese men and women wore exquisitely decorated metal nail guards, made of silver and gold, and sometimes adorned with precious stones or tortoiseshell, to prevent their long nails from breaking during manual labor or combat – you know, just like modern-day rhinestone-studded gloves.
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Dominant Hand Drama

5. Dominant Hand Drama

Feeling a bit lopsided, are we? No worries – your fingernails might be trying to keep up with your dominant hand's busy lifestyle: Turns out, the nails on your dominant hand grow faster than those on your non-dominant hand, at an average pace of 3.47 millimeters per month, primarily due to increased blood flow and nutrients from frequent, yet unintentional, hand "adventures".
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6. Ancient Roman Nail Healthcare

Who said a Roman manicure couldn't cure what ails you? Back in the Toga days, nail maintenance was like a double espresso for the tips: In Ancient Rome, nail art not only served cosmetic purposes but also provided medicinal benefits. To strengthen nails and prevent infections, they used natural ingredients such as beeswax, egg whites, and natural dyes. Now, that's some ancient healthcare with flair!
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7. Fingernails vs. Toenails

Ever wondered why your fingernails seem to be in a race against your toenails, with the latter lagging behind like a snail carrying a heavy shell? Well, fear not - you're not a mutant, nor is this a sign of a pending apocalypse: It's merely due to factors like temperature, exercise level, and vitamin intake, which affect nail growth differently for fingers and toes. During warmer months, increased blood flow can boost nail growth, but still, your fingernails will continue to be the speed demons, leaving your toenails eating their dust.
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8. Ancient Chinese Warrior Manicures

Before they could nail their opponents, ancient Chinese warriors polished their skills in the art of manicures: utilizing coal, beeswax, eggs, gelatin, and flowers to concoct fierce black and green nail paints as they marched off to battle.
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9. Koala's Double Thumbs Up

In a world where thumbs up are eagerly sought on social media, one Australian native takes the cake with double the thumb action: The koala is the only mammal with two opposable thumbs, allowing it to firmly grip and expertly climb tree branches like a pro, giving new meaning to the phrase "hanging ten."
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Egyptian Royal Red Nails

10. Egyptian Royal Red Nails

Before the likes of OPI and Essie: the OG queens of nail fashion, Nefertiti and Cleopatra, were rocking red nail polish way back in ancient Egypt! Their royal nails were adorned with ruby-red hues derived from henna, sometimes even blood, and Cleopatra's fingertips sported striking crimson shades with deep, rusty tones and golden undertones from the henna plant's juice.
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11. Daytime Nail Speedsters

Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than an express train, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound: well, not quite, but your nails do grow faster during the day and summer, according to scientific findings. So, make hay while the sun shines or rather, make your nails grow faster while your day lasts longer!
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