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Top 10 Humerus Fun Facts: Discover the Fascinating Truths About Your Funny Bone!

illustration of the-humerus
Get ready to tickle your funny bone as we delve into the fascinating world of the humerus – that essential upper arm bone with its surprising share of entertaining trivia!

1. The Real "Funny Bone"

If you ever find yourself giggling uncontrollably in the midst of an elbow strike, don't worry, your humerus isn't cracking up like a stand-up comedian: As it turns out, the ticklish sensation of hitting your "funny bone" is due to a direct impact on the ulnar nerve, which nestles snugly behind the elbow joint and not related to the humerus at all.
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2. Hip to be Square: Carrying Angle

Who says it's not hip to be square? Your humerus bone begs to differ with its fabulous carrying angle: This essential angle allows for hip clearance during arm movement and ranges from 5 to 10 degrees in males and up to 18 degrees in females. Too much lateral deviation results in cubitus valgus, and too much medial deviation leads to cubitus varus.
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3. Ossification Party: Eight Bouncers

Swimming in a sea of bones: the humerus is like an underwater party with eight different bouncers that decide when to show up fashionably late. Ready for some bone-tastic fun: these eight ossification centers include the humeral head, humeral shaft, greater and lesser tubercles, medial and lateral epicondyles, trochlea, and olecranon – with the shaft making its entrance at 8 weeks gestation, the head after birth, and the rest joining the bony fiesta within the first six years of life, fusing with the lucky partygoers by late adolescence.
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4. Three Not-So-Funny Sections

Whoever named the humerus bone must have had a funny bone, because it's humorously divided into three not-so-funny sections: the upper extremity, shaft, and lower extremity. This comedian of the skeletal system isn't just cracking jokes, but it's anatomically serious as well: the upper extremity boasts a rounded head, narrow neck, and two tubercles; the shaft plays along with a triangular to cylindrical shape and three surfaces; and the lower extremity keeps the laughs going with a flattened, slightly curved structure, articular surface division, and its tag team of lateral and medial epicondyles.
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Deltoid Tuberosity: Bumpy Humerus

5. Deltoid Tuberosity: Bumpy Humerus

Deltoid, deltoid, on the wall—what's the bumpiest of them all? Why, it's the deltoid tuberosity, of course: a unique little knoll located about one-third of the way down your humerus bone that serves as an attachment point for the multitasking deltoid muscle, tirelessly hustling to lift your arm and maintain that all-important shoulder stability.
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6. Giraffe's 20-Pound Humerus

If a giraffe walks into a bar and boasts of having a strong shoulder to cry on, don’t be too quick to brush it off as a tall tale: giraffe humeri can weigh a whopping 20 pounds – ten times heavier than those of humans – as their long necks require powerful muscles that are supported by their robust humerus bones, which, interestingly, share a similar shape to ours with a rounded head forming part of the shoulder joint.
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7. Humeral Tracheostomy to the Rescue

In a pinch and need to catch your breath? Use your arm to get some air – quite literally: In rare cases, medical professionals can perform a "humeral tracheostomy" by drilling a hole into the humeral head to create an airway when traditional tracheostomy sites are unavailable or not feasible, though this should always be done under careful medical supervision.
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8. Humerus: The True Arm Candy

Ah, the humerus bone – the life of the party and the true "arm candy" of the skeletal system: Acting as the backbone of your upper appendages, the humerus not only enables you to wave hello but also graciously hosts the nerves and blood vessels that connect your shoulder soirée with the rest of your arm's festivities.
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9. Humerus' Achilles Heel: Surgical Neck

Who knew the arm bone could be so humerusly ironic? In a twist of fate that would make Shakespeare proud, this robust bone has an Achilles heel: the surgical neck of the humerus is a common site of arm fractures. It may be one of the strongest bones in the body, but even the mighty humerus isn't immune to the occasional inconvenient crack. Next time you're feeling unbreakable, just remember that proper medical attention is essential if you suspect an arm fracture, lest you risk complications like nerve damage and a less-than-limber limb.
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Growth Plate Fracture Punchline

10. Growth Plate Fracture Punchline

Ah, the humerus, the upper arm's comedian! Known for throwing in a good "growth plate fracture" punchline that will leave children with more than just a grin: The humerus is the largest bone in the upper arm, connecting the shoulder to the elbow. It can be prone to growth plate fractures in youngsters, often caused by falls or impacts, leading to pain, swelling, and difficulty moving. Luckily, board-certified orthopedic surgeons are on standby to give the punchline a proper punch, with non-surgical options being preferred for most cases.
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