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Sizzling Secrets: 6 Juicy Fun Facts About Steak You Need to Know

illustration of steak
Get ready to beef up your knowledge with these sizzling, juicy tidbits on everyone's favorite carnivorous delight – steak!

1. Steak Diane's Divine Origins

Steak Diane? More like Venison Diana! This saucy dish was once the divine dinner choice for ancient hunting goddesses and undercover truffle enthusiasts: Originally created for venison, the sauce a la Diane owed its name to the Roman huntress goddess Diana and featured truffles, black pepper, and cream, while the modern Steak Diane – with beef tenderloin, butter, shallots, black pepper, and Worcestershire sauce – evolved under mysterious circumstances, possibly from the fantastical mind of a New York Francophile chef.
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2. Chateaubriand: The Aristocratic Delight

Audaciously double-parked on the grill and tied up like a juicy bundle of delicious secrets, behold the chateaubriand: a dish with royal roots, named after 19th-century French aristocrat François-René de Chateaubriand, whose chef invented it, crafted from the tenderloin for utmost tenderness, and extravagantly layered with lesser steaks in a sizzling conspiracy of flavor.
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3. The Meat-stealing Lone Star Tick

Beware of tiny Texas outlaws lurking in the grass, for they may steal your love for steak: the lone star tick, found in the United States, can cause a red meat allergy that may result in anaphylaxis, an ailment that is less sweaty than other meat-related allergies.
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4. Filet Mignon: Aristocrat of Taste

Forget the top hat and monocle, you can still savor a Filet Mignon like a true aristocrat of taste: Originating from the French term that translates to "tender fillet," this luxurious cut of beef hails from the tenderloin region of a cow and boasts an enviable combination of juiciness and exquisite flavor. A beloved guest at swanky Dallas steakhouse soirées, you'll find this pièce de résistance exquisitely seared, locking in its rich, natural juices, ready to tantalize your sophisticated palate.
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Debunked: Presidential Steak Bromance

5. Debunked: Presidential Steak Bromance

Stick a fork in this tall tale, it's well-done! A meaty myth has been tenderized and grilled to perfection, suggesting that Teddy Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson were once steak-slinging pals: In actuality, there's no evidence of a steak-centric bromance between these two presidential foodies, as Johnson preferred chicken-fried steak and Mexican fare, while no sizzling steak contest ever took place during Roosevelt's time in office.
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6. Rockhampton: Bovine Bonanza Central

For all you steak lovers and cow whisperers, the Australian city of Rockhampton proudly presents the bovine bonanza of a lifetime: Here, you'll find the Central Queensland Livestock Exchange, one of the nation's major cattle-selling centers that hosts the triennial extravaganza, Beef Australia, which attracts cattle enthusiasts from all around the globe.
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