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6 Scrumptious Sandwich Fun Facts to Satisfy Your Curiosity and Tastebuds

illustration of sandwiches
Feast your eyes on a delectable array of astonishing tidbits, as we delve into the fascinating world of sandwich trivia that will surely make you crave for more!

1. The Earl's Gambling Snack

When the Earl of Sandwich demanded a hasty, edible poker chip to keep the game alive, little did he know that he was reshuffling the future of snack time: The modern sandwich was popularized by the 4th Earl of Sandwich in the 18th century, but its origins can be traced back to Passover traditions and medieval meals served on slices of stale bread. The dainty yet delicious "sandwich" might have been a "Portsmouth" if the Earl had picked a different title, but regardless, it has been a versatile staple in various gastronomic histories.
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2. Sandwich Day Celebration

Who would have thought that humanity's favorite hand-held edible wonder is actually an old-school gambling secret weapon: The modern sandwich, a marvel of convenience and versatility, was born when John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, ordered a convenient and mess-free snack during long hours of gambling. Instead of dubbing it “bread and meat” or “bread and cheese”, people started ordering "the same as Sandwich," and thus, the sandwich as we know it today was christened. November 3rd is now celebrated globally as National Sandwich Day in honor of Lord Sandwich's birthday, ensuring we truly appreciate the origin of this humble, yet heroic meal!
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3. KFC's Double Down Sensation

In a world where chickens no longer cross roads but instead bookends your sandwich, KFC delivers its mightiest creation: The Double Down, introduced in 2010, sold over 10 million sandwiches, boasting the highest test market buzz in KFC's history, and with a limited return in 2023, it still clucks the hearts of its cult following, while a classic bacon and cheese chicken sandwich on a brioche bun caters to more conventional taste buds.
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4. UK's Bacon Love Affair

When it comes to British sandwiches, bacon truly brings home the bread and sizzles its way into the nation's hearts: Between 2017 and 2018, the UK crowned bacon as its favorite filling, with over 3 billion sandwiches devoured annually and spending exceeding £8 billion on this handheld titan of sustenance.
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Croque Monsieur's Playful Name

5. Croque Monsieur's Playful Name

In a world where food meets French drama, there was a sandwich that starred as Crunchy Mc Bite-face: The origin of the Croque Monsieur comes from the French words "croque" (meaning "to crunch" or "to bite") and "monsieur" (meaning "mister"), thus making it a snack that playfully dares you to take a chomp out of it! Served at cafes and bars for French folks and foreigners alike, this classic sandwich showcases simple ingredients – bread, ham, and cheese – that unapologetically take center stage as they get grilled or fried in butter. After their performance, grilled sandwiches are served with a side of salad, french fries, or even a glass of beer or cider, just to remind us of their humble roots. So the next time you enjoy a Croque Monsieur, remember to applaud loudly and enthusiastically for the sustained cultural legacy that it stands for!
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6. The Dagwood Sandwich Challenge

When life imitates comic strips and hunger reaches epic proportions: The real-world version of the Dagwood sandwich, born from the insatiable appetite of comic character Dagwood Bumstead in Blondie, can now be found at multiple restaurants throughout the United States and Canada, with some even daring to challenge customers to devour a colossal 2-1/2 pound sandwich and an accompanying pound of french fries within a single half-hour sitting.
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