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Twisted Treats: 8 Unbelievable Fun Facts About Pretzels You Never Knew

illustration of pretzels
Get ready to twist and shout as we unravel the most fascinating and scrumptious fun facts about pretzels you never knew you needed to know!

1. Divine Dough Designs

In a twist of fate that would make any pastry chef proud, a 7th-century monk, notorious for his divine designs in dough, went down in history as the patron saint of pretzel pandemonium: Pretzels, while not intended as religious rewards for pious children, were indeed created by a mischievous monk who transformed leftover bread dough into a prayerful posture, dubbing them "preciola" or "little rewards," and ultimately paving the way for them to become the tantalizingly twisted and trinity-representing treat that has long graced our snacking sensibilities, Lenten traditions, and even heroically secured a coat of arms for pretzel bakers who valiantly saved Vienna from the wrath of Ottoman Turks.
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2. Turks, Monks, and Spies

What do sneaky Turks and holy pretzels have in common? A knack for doughing undercover, of course: In 1510, Vienna’s underground bakers-turned-spies – monks baking pretzels in a cellar, no less – overheard Ottoman Turks burrowing secret tunnels to break into the city, dutifully alerting authorities and thwarting the invasion, which won the valiant pretzel-peeps their very own coat of arms!
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3. Philadelphia's Pretzel Passion

You might call Philadelphians pretzel connoisseurs, knot munching on just any ordinary doughy twists: The average resident of the City of Brotherly Love devours twelve times more pretzels than the rest of the US populace! As the pretzel capital of America, Pennsylvania produces a whopping 80% of the nation's pretzels, creating an industry worth over $550 million. These tasty treats date back to 610 AD, when an Italian monk crafted the first pretzels as "pretiola" or little rewards for children who aced their prayers. Fast-forward to today, and Americans crunch through an average of 1.5 pounds of pretzels each year. In 2003, Governor Ed Rendell aptly declared April 26th as "National Pretzel Day" to honor the twisty snack that shaped Pennsylvania's history and economy.
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4. America's First Pretzel Bakery

Twisting and shouting their way to snack history: The Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery, open since 1861, stands proudly as America's first commercial pretzel bakery and boasts the nation's longest-running pretzel-baking family. Catch them in Lititz, Pennsylvania, still handcrafting scrumptious pretzels using age-old recipes and traditional techniques, giving the twists a run for their dough!
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Not-so-superfood Twists

5. Not-so-superfood Twists

Despite a pretzel's striking resemblance to the infinity symbol, they don't possess infinite nutritional power: Pretzels are not a superfood but rather a simple snack that's high in carbs and low in protein and fat, offering some iron, B vitamins, and fiber from whole-grain versions while best enjoyed in moderation.
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6. Elvis and Gluten-free Pretzels

The gluten has left the building, so let the gluten-free pretzel party begin! Elvis has been spotted munching on these rollicking, twisted treats: Gluten-free pretzels, a favorite snack among gluten-intolerant or celiac-affected individuals, have been masterfully crafted by brands such as Snyder's, Glutino, Snack Factory, Utz, Gratify, Good Health Enjoy Being Good, Live GFree, and Quinn, banishing gluten to twist and shout its way out of snack town.
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7. Lye Down with Pretzels

You know that saying, 'lie down with dogs and you'll get fleas'? Well, prepare to have your mind twisted like a salty snack: German-style pretzels actually lie down in a lye solution before baking, which results in their unique tawny skin and crisp crust. This chemical bath alters the pH level of the dough, giving us the pretzel treat we all know and love - but remember, don't try this at home, kids, as lye can be a not-so-pleasant foe if not handled with care.
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8. Pretzel Butterfly Armor

Pretzels are like delicate butterflies clad in a tasty, crunchy armor, flying straight into our hungry mouths, just longing to avoid the perils of the dreaded microwave that seeks to wilt their wings: Indeed, prevent your beloved pretzel's demise by gently handling them, never thawing or refreezing, and steering clear of microwaves—instead, let them come to room temperature, dab them with a few complimentary condiments, and give them a swift toasting in the oven for that perfect, crispy embrace.
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