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Top 10 Unbelievable Poutine Fun Facts That Will Have You Craving More

illustration of poutine
Get ready to dive into the deliciously cheesy world of poutine, where the toppings overflow with interesting tidbits and surprising stories!

1. Culinary Cinderella Story

Poutine might be fashionably dressed with cheese curds and gravy, but it started as an unpretentious snack from humble beginnings in rural Quebec – making it the ultimate culinary Cinderella story: First emerging in the late 1950s, this iconic Québécois dish owes its origin to its proximity to fromageries and gradually gained popularity on chip truck menus before making its mainstream debut at fast-food chains like Burger King and McDonald's. Today, poutine flaunts its fancy side in variations across specialty poutine chains and high-end restaurants, even gracing dinner tables in countries like Korea and Russia.
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2. Canadian Superhero Trio

In a world where fries fear a bland existence, a trio of Canadian heroes unite to save the day: behold, the squeaky cheese curd, the saucy gravy, and the crispy fry! Together, they form the mighty Poutine: a delectable Quebecoise invention that achieves culinary perfection by combining chunky white cheese curds with crispy fries, smothered in piping hot gravy.
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3. La Poutine Week

Are you ready to appease the Poutine Gods and indulge in the fry-esty experience of your life? Say "hello" to La Poutine Week: the largest poutine festival on the planet, where over 700 Canadian restaurants dish out creative poutines to 350,000+ customers annually since 2013. With judges and the public voting for favorites, prizes are awarded in categories like Most Outrageous Poutine and Healthiest Poutine; so remember, doggy- bags are not just for illegitimate canine gatherings!
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4. Cheese Curd Secrets

If cheese curds could talk, they'd tell you that "squeak is the secret to poutine success", but don't make the faux-pas of letting them chill in the fridge for too long: Poutine connoisseurs know that refrigerating cheese curds for more than 24 hours after manufacturing eliminates their signature squeak and alters their taste and texture, which is why they're best stored at room temperature and purchased fresh from local cheesemakers for a squeaky sensation.
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Drummondville Festival

5. Drummondville Festival

In a world where fries and cheese curds battle against gravy for culinary dominance, one town in Quebec hosts the annual ultimate showdown: Drummondville's Poutine Festival not only plates up the perfect combination of these delicious warriors, but also entertains visitors with family-friendly Quebecois music performances and a smorgasbord of cheese-laden joy.
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6. Poutine Origin Mystery

In poutine's pursuit of culinary justice, the world might never know whodunit – our Québécois kitchens are flooded with crime suspects, and French fries everywhere are still quaking in their grease: The true originator of poutine remains a mystery, with tales of Fernand Lachance making a "damned mess" in his Warwick café in 1957, while Jean-Paul Roy was busy saucing up his drive-in fries in Drummondville in 1964. Whichever tater-tale you favor, poutine has divided hearts and spilled gravy since its birth – and that gooey goodness isn't going anywhere.
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7. Political Poutine Drama

In a fry-ing twist of culinary diplomacy, Canada's U.S. embassy once unwittingly stirred the poutine pot of political uproar: In 2009, they sent out an invite to a Canada Day party featuring Samuel de Champlain holding a plate of poutine, causing outrage among some French-speaking nationalists who viewed it as an insult, prompting the embassy to apologize and clarify that the invitation was sent in both English and French.
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8. Poutine Goes Global

Poutine fans unite, for your #PoutinePride has gone global! Our beloved cheese curd and gravy-laden delight has sauced its way across borders, leaving a trail of sated smiles and Instagram tags in its wake: Our Canadian culinary gift to the world is going #InstaFamous, with a whopping 20% of all poutine hashtags originating from Quebec alone, and has even made appearances on menus in Australia, Japan, and the United Kingdom!
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9. Poutine- The Ultimate Champ

If Canada's culinary smackdown had a reigning champ, it'd be poutine—devouring the competition with all the grace of a gravy-smothered pile of cheese and fries: This heart-stopping delight hailing from 1950s Quebec combines crispy French fries, squeaky cheese curds and savory gravy to create a dish so deliciously messy, it's named after the Quebecois slang word for "mess", and it's so famous that even McDonald's and Burger King have it on their menus, eh?
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Winter Soul-Saver Dish

10. Winter Soul-Saver Dish

In a land where maple syrup flows like rivers and moose roam free, the locals indulge in a sacred dish that fortifies their souls against the unforgiving Canadian winter: poutine, a delectable concoction of fries, gravy, and cheese curds, was born in Quebec in the 1950s, and can now be found in fast-food chains across the nation. But true patriots know that the finest poutines are discovered in unassuming greasy-spoon joints and casse-croûtes, where it remains a culinary staple rather than an uppity appetizer.
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