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Slurp Up These Top 5 Fun Facts About Noodles: A Tasty Journey Through Noodle Trivia!

illustration of noodles
Get ready to twirl your fork into the fascinating world of noodles, as we unravel some delightfully slurpable facts about this versatile culinary staple.

1. Ancient Italian Lagan-ception

Hold your pasta, Marco Polo: The origins of Italian pasta can be traced back to ancient Greeks and Romans who enjoyed flat pasta sheets called laganae, well before Marco's world tour and alleged connections to Chinese noodles.
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2. Ramen's Secret Ingredient

In an eatable plot twist worthy of M. Night Shyamalan, your favorite noodles undergo a secret identity change in search of the perfect texture: Ramen noodles owe their signature yellow hue and springy disposition to an elusive ingredient called kansui minerals. While these minerals can be quite the divas, restricting their appearances mainly to Asia, resourceful cooks turn to their trusty sidekicks - baking soda or its undercover alter ego, baked baking soda - to achieve that perfectly firm, slightly yellow ramen noodle synonymous with comfort in a bowl.
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3. World's Longest Noodle

In a noodle-tastic feat that left Goldilocks scratching her head and proclaiming "this noodle's too long!", a Chinese food company stretched their culinary ambitions to a record-breaking extreme: Cooking up a mammoth 3,084-meter (10,119 ft 1.92 in) noodle, Xiangnian Food Co. Ltd not only shattered the previous record of 548.7m (1,800ft 2in) set in Japan but also celebrated the Double Ninth Festival, a Chinese holiday symbolizing longevity and honoring the elderly. Made with 40kg of bread flour, 26.8 liters of water, and 0.6kg of salt, this marvel of noodle engineering took 17 hours to roll and was enjoyed by 400 guests after being smothered in garlic, egg, and tomato sauce.
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4. Birth of Instant Ramen

Before Cup Noodles became every college student's secret weapon and midnight snack of champions: the savoury goodness of instant ramen was born in 1958, thanks to the ingenious mind of Momofuku Ando, who revolutionized the noodle game by introducing the world's first Chicken Ramen in a flash.
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Cellophane Noodles' Transparency Trick

5. Cellophane Noodles' Transparency Trick

Don't be fooled by the "glass" act: cellophane noodles may appear as though they're putting on a transparent, window-pane performance, but their culinary composition sings a different tune: Made from a variety of starches like mung bean, sweet potato, or tapioca, these dazzling noodles gain their crystal-clear curtain call by simply adding water and an occasional encore of stabilizers like chitosan.
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