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Cheesy Delights: Top 8 Unbelievable Fun Facts About Mac and Cheese You Need to Know!

illustration of mac-and-cheese
Get ready to embark on a cheesy adventure as we uncover some delightful and amusing fun facts about everyone's favorite comfort food, mac and cheese!

1. Minions vs. Vader: The Ultimate Mac and Cheese Battle

If the pasta apocalypse were to strike, and you found yourself picking sides in the noodle wars, would you choose fighting alongside the brave little minions or the formidable Darth Vader? Turns out, there's more than meets the eye with these culinary warriors: Both the delightful minion and formidable Darth Vader shaped pasta actually have a larger surface area to hold the cheesy sauce, resulting in a thicker, glossier and more enjoyable mac and cheese experience for diners of all ages.
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2. Mac and Cheese: The World War II Ration Champion

When life gave us lemons in the form of World War II, Kraft handed us the cheesy goodness that is mac and cheese to help us power through those tough days: The ration-friendly Kraft Macaroni & Cheese allowed people to stock up on as many as two boxes with just one ration coupon, and by the end of the war, over 50 million boxes have been sold, making it the go-to comfort food for many a hardworking homefront.
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3. Canada's Unwavering Love for "Kraft Dinner"

Oh, Canada, home of maple syrup, ice hockey, and a love so deep for mac and cheese, it's practically an honorary citizen: Canadians devour a whopping 3.2 boxes of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese per year, making them 55% "cheesier" than their southern neighbors. No wonder they call it "Kraft Dinner" up north – it's practically a national pastime!
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4. Curling into Hearts: The Birth of a Comfort Food Classic

In a world where love is as cheesy as a 1930s romantic movie, mac and cheese decided to make its own great entrance: Kraft Foods introduced the first boxed macaroni and cheese in 1937, charming hungry hearts during the Great Depression and securing its place as a comfort food classic. To this day, Americans can't resist the allure of those curled noodles, slurping down over 2 million boxes every single day!
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Cheesasaurus Rex: The '90s Dino-roni Mascot

5. Cheesasaurus Rex: The '90s Dino-roni Mascot

Before it was mac-aroni, it was Dino-roni: Cheesasaurus Rex, the TV-loving, cheese-adoring dinosaur mascot for Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, ruled the airwaves from the '90s till his sudden extinction in the early 2010s, appearing in crossover ads with the likes of Animaniacs and Pokémon, and even floating high as a balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade from 2001-2003.
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6. Unearthing Canada's Cheesy Treasure

Forget gold bars; Canada's got a cheesier treasure up its sleeve: Kraft's Macaroni and Cheese debuted in 1937, selling at a wallet-friendly 19 cents during the Great Depression, skyrocketed in popularity during World War II's food rationing era, and has even come to be known as Kraft Dinner or KD in the true North. Not just a cheesy legend, it might as well be Canada's unofficial national dish! So, mark your calendars, mac and cheese enthusiasts; July 14th is National Mac and Cheese Day - not quite an official holiday, but it's a gooey global party for your taste buds!
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7. A Healthier, Gooey Revolution in the Mac and Cheese Kingdom

In the land of cheese-loving elves and pasta-wrangling mountaineers, there's one golden dish they all devour with gusto, and not even the mighty quest for healthier options can put a dent in their macaroni monarchy: Kraft sells over a million boxes of mac and cheese daily, and they revamped their recipe in 2016 by nixing artificial preservatives and dyes in favor of naturally sourced coloring, driven by the relentless demand from food activists and health-conscious consumers to reach a record high of $39 billion in additive-free product sales in 2014.
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8. Captain Canada: Uniting Continents through Cheesy Goodness

If mac and cheese were a superhero, it would be Captain Canada, reuniting continents one cheesy bite at a time: Canadians purchase 1.7 million of the 7 million boxes of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese (a.k.a. Kraft Dinner) sold worldwide each week, consuming an average 3.2 boxes annually - a whopping 55% more than their American neighbors, while immigrants fondly embrace it as a vital part of Canadian food culture.
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