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Discover the Delicious World of Empanadas: Top 12 Fun Facts and Tasty Tidbits You Never Knew!

illustration of empanadas
Get ready to unravel the scrumptious mysteries surrounding empanadas, as we present to you a delectable feast of fascinating tidbits that will have your mouth watering and your curiosity piqued!

1. Empanadas: Party Guests with Exciting Fillings

If empanadas were party guests, they'd show up wearing various outfits, from chic half-moons to edgy triangles, and they’d always have the most exciting fillings for conversations – yes, gossip counts as a dessert! The serious reveal: Empanadas boast a range of shapes and sizes, and offer diverse fillings like meat, cheese, vegetables, fruits, and chocolate, catering to both savory and sweet preferences.
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2. Spanish Empanadas: Salsa Dancing Across the Americas

Picture this: Spanish empanadas gather in full costume at a masquerade ball, only to unmask and reveal their true identities—while dancing the salsa across the Americas! In reality: empanadas trace back to Galicia, Spain, where they were first baked in round or rectangular dishes before evolving into smaller, diverse versions throughout the Americas, with some regions even swapping wheat flour for corn flour or yuca to create a myriad of filling varieties and dough types. It would be quite a culinary quest to taste them all!
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3. The Secret Behind Empanadas' Stylish Edges

Hold onto your forks, pastry enthusiasts, for we are about to unravel the secret behind those stylish edges on your favorite empanadas: The handy crimping technique used to seal these delectable turnovers with a fork doesn't just streamline the process, but also adds that oh-so-important touch of authenticity to their appearance. Bonus culinary fashion tips: this versatile trick works wonders on calzones and pies too, giving new meaning to the phrase "it's all in the details."
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4. Empanadas: Tupperware Heroes and Melting Pots

What do medieval Spanish lunches have in common with modern-day celebrities? They're both obsessed with portability and customization! Empanadas, hailing from the Galicia region of Spain, have always been the Tupperware Heroes in the culinary world: These savory pastries boast a diverse ancestry, with multiple cultures, including Latin America, adopting and adapting them into various scrumptious versions, such as Argentinean beef fillings and Chilean shrimp and cheese concoctions. Talk about a delicious melting pot of flavors - they even have a sweet side with fruit-filled dessert options!
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Shape-Shifting Empanadas Defying Dough Expectations

5. Shape-Shifting Empanadas Defying Dough Expectations

Empanadas: the unstoppab-llamas of the culinary world that can't be confined by dough expectations, and like a shape-shifting food wizard, they'll catch you jaw-droppingly by surprise: Did you know that they can be made with wheat flour, corn flour, mashed plantains, and even sweet potatoes, and filled with an astounding variety of savory and sweet options, challenging your taste buds to an epic game of "guess that flavor"?
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6. Empanadas: Medieval Iberian Feasts to Latin America

If empanadas could speak, they would tell you about their great-great-ancestor's adventures in medieval Iberian feasts: Empanadas can trace their lineage back to the times when unassuming seafood morsels partied royally inside delectable bread blankets amidst Moorish invasions. Spanish colonists eventually introduced Latin America to this scrumptious wrapped delight, initiating its delicious culinary evolution into various forms, such as pastries with minced beef, ham and cheese, or even llama on the plate! Don't worry, gluten-intolerant foodies, the empanada party is open to you too – just knock on the cassava-flour door!
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7. Empanadas: The Ultimate Cuisine Chameleon

If empanadas had a dating profile, they'd be the adventurous partner who's into every flavor profile, can adapt to any environment, and is always ready for something new: Empanadas are versatile delights found in various cultures worldwide, made from different types of dough and filled with an array of both sweet and savory ingredients, from good ol' meats and cheeses, to delightful concoctions of dulce de leche, fruits, and chocolate – the ultimate cuisine chameleon!
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8. Rainbow Unicorn Empanadas

Who says rainbow unicorns can't cook? Prepare to witness a culinary miracle in your kitchen, all with a splash of heavy cream and a smidgen of empanada intervention: Create your very own kaleidoscope of empanadas by simply dividing 1 cup of heavy cream into separate bowls, adding food coloring to each, and brushing your chosen canvas, whether it be empanada or pie crust. Chill for 15 minutes, then bake, and voila! A visually stunning and scrumptious treat that even the Strawberry Balsamic Banana-Caramel S'mores empanada would applaud!
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9. Where's Waldo? Empanadas Edition

In an edible game of "Where's Waldo?", empanadas are the delicious, flaky impostors hiding savory secrets like Latin America's answer to the culinary enigma of the fortune cookie: Seriously though, these tasty pastry morsels have found popularity in various global destinations, such as Latin America, the Philippines, and the United States, often filled with a diverse range of meats, vegetables, cheeses, or fruits. Fun bonus: Argentina even has a unique version called empanada de locro, stuffed with stewed corn, meat, and their own blend of traditional spices.
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Oven or Fried: Empanadas' Irresistible Inner Values

10. Oven or Fried: Empanadas' Irresistible Inner Values

Whether you bake them or fry them is the yeast of your worries when it comes to empanadas, because whether these delightful crescent-shaped pockets are destined for a steamy oven affair or a sizzling rendezvous in hot oil, it's what's inside that counts: Empanadas, dating back thousands of years to Spain and Portugal, have become a beloved snack and appetizer in Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Philippines, filled with tantalizing choices like meats, cheeses, and veggies, and often served warm with salsa or chimichurri dipping sauces that truly seal the deal.
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11. Argentina's Tango Dancing Empanada Flavors

Feeling peckish in Argentina? Brace yourself for an empanada invasion, where the dough is thin, crispy and the filling's got a spicy kick like you're dancing the Tango with your taste buds: In Salta province, the local specialty is a smaller, snackable empanada filled with finely chopped steak, cubed potatoes, and chili pepper, baked in a traditional mud oven and served as a delightful crunchy appetizer at social events and celebrations.
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12. Empanadas: The United Nations of Street Food

Empanadas: the United Nations of street food, bringing cultures together one delightful pastry at a time! Seriously though: these scrumptious treats have their roots in the Middle East and have since spread to different corners of the globe, evolving into countless delicious variations such as Chinese jiaozi, Polish pierogi, and even good ol' British pasties.
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