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Discover the Aubergine: Top 8 Surprising and Entertaining Eggplant Fun Facts

illustration of eggplants
Get ready to go on an egg-citing egg-venture as we peel back the layers and explore the intriguing world of eggplants with these fun facts.

1. Purple Powerhouse

Behold the humble eggplant, a majestic purple enigma gifting us with nutrients and endless emoji innuendos: Turns out, the eggplant is teeming with anthocyanins – potent antioxidants responsible for its sensual violet hue – and according to the Z Naturforsch C Journal, its most prominent anthocyanin is none other than delphinidin-3-rutinoside, blessing us with both health perks and a luscious burst of color and flavor upon consumption.
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2. Insanity-Inducing Legend

Hold on to your straitjackets, folks: eggplants might have a history of driving people mad! It was whispered in 13th-century Italian folklore that these purple pranksters could cause insanity, while our friends in 19th-century Egypt believed that madness was at an all-time high during the hot and heavy eggplant season. Bonkers, right? Well, perhaps not in a straight "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" way, but your sanity might not feel so secure after diving into your next eggplant dish. So, tuck in, laugh madly, and live like a true eggplant aficionado!
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3. Berry in Disguise

Feeling eggscruciatingly eggstra? It's no yolking matter: Eggplants got their name in the 18th century due to their uncanny resemblance to goose eggs, but despite their vegetable guise, they're actually classified as berries within the nightshade family.
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4. Eggplant Rainbow

If you thought eggplants were just purple teardrops vying for a spot on your dinner plate, you're in for a colorful surprise: There's a whole eggplant rainbow out there, including the graffiti's playful purple and white stripes, Italian's tender flesh, Japanese and Chinese's delicate skin and creamy insides, fairy tale's tiny size, white's ghostly pallor, Indian's squat and reddish-purple hue, little green's plump rotundity, and Thai's miniature greenish-white globes - each bringing their own unique flavor to the (cutting) table.
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Fruity Identity Crisis

5. Fruity Identity Crisis

Eggplants, the chameleon of the produce aisle, the platypus of the plant realm! Had Peter Piper picked a peck of these purple pretenders, he might've pondered a perplexing predicament: are they plants, fruits or vegetables? Alas, the secret lies within: Eggplants are actually classified as fruits due to their seeds-filled insides, and share their family tree with nocturnal notables like tomatoes and peppers. Life can be really eggscruciatingly surprising, can't it?
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6. Harbinger of Madness to Culinary Staple

In a mad twist fit for an M. Night Shyamalan film, the humble eggplant was once regarded as a harbinger of insanity in India: The real story, however, reveals that this misunderstood veggie was domesticated in Southeast Asia over 2,500 years ago, becoming widely consumed globally in dishes like ratatouille and stuffed with meat, proving that what doesn't drive you crazy, only makes you stronger – and possibly turns you into an aubergine aficionado!
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7. Aubergine Beauty Pageant

Did you know that eggplants hold an ancient beauty contest within their own kind, competing in the categories of meatiness and seedlessness? They sport a dimple at their blossom end, announcing their status in this royal veggie pageant: the oval dimples are the triumphant ones, boasting a meatier, less seedy interior; while the round dimpled contestants have to settle for second best. But wait, there's more: these alluring purple veggies we've been devouring since prehistoric times are not only low in calories and rich in water content, but also carry essential vitamins and minerals, with manganese reigning supreme among them.
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8. Not-So-Deadly Nightshade

Despite sounding like a diabolical cousin of Count Dracula who'd send shivers down your spine rather than satisfy your hunger, these sly beasts are not the conniving killers you'd expect them to be: Eggplants are part of the Solanaceae family, which makes them related to peppers, potatoes, and tomatoes, and not the deadly nightshade group of the Atropa belladonna variety, known for causing convulsions and fatalities.
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