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Discover the Unexpected: Top 7 Surprising Fun Facts About Durian You Need to Know!

illustration of durian
Brace your noses and taste buds, because we're diving into a world of unbelievably fascinating facts about the world's most divisive fruit – the durian!

1. Durian Addicts' Pricey Delight

Desperate, hopeless, and lost in the maze of flavor, the durian addicts scavenge their pennies to savor their forbidden esculent love—smelly on the outside, addictively sweet on the inside: In fact, the world's most notorious fruit, durian, can fetch a price as high as $100 per piece, weaving its pungent aroma into the hearts of admirers who indulge in desserts such as cakes, ice cream, and candies, all while boasting a unique flavor profile that is a sweet, creamy, and slightly savory delight.
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2. Andrew Zimmern's Battleground

As poor Andrew Zimmern braved the Durian's battleground, dodging stinky old socks, rotten onions, and putrid garbage, he barely made it out after 15 tries, Colonel Durian remaining unconquered: The host of "Bizarre Foods" could never acquire a taste for the infamously pungent Southeast Asian fruit, durian, renowned for its large, spiked appearance and incredibly strong odor, which is so potent it's banned in numerous public spaces across Asia.
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3. Durian: Public Transport's Party Crasher

Who knew durians could be the ultimate party crashers at a packed bus celebration? Well, it turns out they're pricklier than the waitlist for a royal wedding: In Singapore, durians are prohibited on some forms of public transport, not due to their notorious aroma, but because their spiky exteriors pose a physical hazard in overcrowded conditions.
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4. Durian's Regal Heart-Pumping Powers

Feeling royally fruity and ready to (heart) pump up the jam? Let's talk Durian—monarch of the food kingdom: You'll be dethroned to know that chomping on 250g of this regal treat won't faze blood pressure, but going full feast mode with 500g will cause your heart to briefly wave its scepter in tempo.
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Whiskey Meets Smelly Gym Socks

5. Whiskey Meets Smelly Gym Socks

What do you get when you cross a fruit that smells like gym socks with a cheeky Old Fashioned? A surprising Malaysian concoction, of course! Behold: Tropical Wine Sdn Bhd produces a delightful durian whiskey made from the finest Musang King durians, blessing our palates with a creamy texture while secretly packing a powerhouse of antioxidants, vitamins, proteins, and minerals.
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6. Shakespeare's Fruity Inspiration

If Shakespeare were alive today, he might have penned, "To durian, or not to durian, that is the question!" gathering quite a few snickers for his fruity puns: But did you know that durian is hailed as the "King of Fruits" in Southeast Asia, possessing a unique flavor profile hugging the borders of sweet, savory, and creamy, with strong hints of almonds, caramel, and vanilla, while packing a nutritional punch of fiber, vitamins B and C, iron, and potassium?
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7. Nature's Pungent Cupid for Dental Health

Who said love at first whiff was a myth? Durian, nature's pungent cupid, might just make you fall head over heels for its unexpectedly good dental properties: A study by Thailand's University of Chulalongkorn found that a gel extracted from the fruit's rind behaves similarly to the disinfectant chlorhexidine, eliminating compounds responsible for bad breath and inhibiting the spread of bacteria that cause tooth decay.
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