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10 Deliciously Intriguing Fun Facts About Crepes You Never Knew: From Paris to Your Plate!

illustration of crepes
Get ready to flip your world upside down as we whisk you away on an intriguing journey through the deliciously delightful universe of crepes!

1. Pope's Pancake Party

In a "flipping" tale of holy batter where the pancakes meet the Pope: Le Jour des Crêpes, or Candlemas, has been celebrated since 472 when Pope Gelasio I offered crêpes to French Catholic pilgrims in Rome, and today their coin or sun-like shape continues to symbolize prosperity and sunshine in France and Belgium every February 2nd.
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2. Crepes for Cats

Me-ow la-la, who let the dogs out? Well, in France, they've made peace with their four-legged friends by offering them the first taste of crepe-making: In a fun tradition, the French refer to the first crepe made as the "cat's crepe" or "dog's crepe," often attributed to the saying, "La première crêpe est pour le chat" (The first crepe is for the cat), because it's considered a test run before making that perfect crepe for more discriminating human palates.
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3. Fresh & Organic French Crepes

Ever unpeeled a delicious crepe and found a use-by date longer than Napoleon's reign? Of course not, because French crepes are typically as fresh and organic as Marie Antoinette's gardener: In fact, traditional French crepes are made with fresh and organic ingredients, and usually consumed throughout the day for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert – even celebrating La Chandeleur on February 2nd by indulging in them for good luck and a bountiful wheat harvest.
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4. Flambé Fiasco

Before flambéing crepes had even entered the culinary scene, a certain Monsieur Suzette was just innocently swirling his batter in peace, blissfully unaware of the fiery future that lay ahead: The original crêpes Suzette actually featured a simple mandarin butter and curacao orange liqueur, with the dramatic act of flambéing being a later accident, forever setting the dessert aflame in culinary history.
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Pancakes & Prosperity Tradition

5. Pancakes & Prosperity Tradition

When Pope Gelasius craved some pancake action, he flipped his way to a divine solution: In the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I distributed savory galettes to pilgrims during a Candlemas procession in Rome, eventually leading to the modern French tradition of eating crepes on La Chandeleur to symbolize the sun and the coming of spring – with bonus superstitions of flipping crepes while holding a golden coin for good luck!
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6. First Crepe Flop Charm

Feeling crêpey about your first flapjack flop? Don't get all bent out of batter: In France, it's believed that if your first crepe isn't a picture-perfect pancake, tossing it or treating your pet to the fumbled feast ensures a year filled with good luck and fortune.
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7. Mille Crepe Cake Craze

In a classic case of "crepe expectations," Japanese pastry chef Emy Wada took the French crepe on a mouthwatering roller-coaster, turning it into a world-renowned layered delight: Enter the mille crepe cake, popularized in the 1980s due to its soft texture retention, achieved by stacking crepes with delicious fillings in between. Nowadays, crepe aficionados can thank Lady M cake boutique for spreading the mille crepe love globally, offering delectable flavors like ube and pistachio.
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8. Gluten-Free Grail

Much like a knight's quest for the Holy Grail, the search for the perfect gluten-free crepe has its own set of rules and trials: The golden key is a specific gum-free flour blend of superfine white rice flour, potato starch, and tapioca starch. Stick to unsweetened milk, preferably with some fat for tantalizing tenderness, and worry not about the neutral flavor for sweet crepes - simply summon the magical powers of lemon simple syrup or a dusting of powdered sugar and berries!
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9. Crepes Unite Nations

Crepes are like the United Nations of the culinary world, bringing nations together one delicious layer at a time: From Hungarian palacsinta and Russian syrniki and blinis, to Japanese dorayaki, Austrian Kaiserschmarrn, and Mexican enchiladas, crepes come in various names, shapes, and ingredients, making it a global pancake affair.
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Crepe Crusader School

10. Crepe Crusader School

You wanna batter with the best: become a crêpe crusader at L’Atelier de la Crêpe! This French culinary school whisks you away on a 6-week professional certificate program called CQP Crêpier, perfect for those serious about upping their crepe game. Get immersed in hands-on experience and theory coursework, and walk away with a diploma recognized by the ‘Registre National de la Certification Professionnelle Niveau IV’ in France. The journey includes 4 weeks of full-time classwork at the school, followed by 2 weeks flipping crêpes in a restaurant or creperie, after which a world of delicious job opportunities awaits you!
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