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Sizzling Secrets: Top 8 Fun Facts About Bacon You Won't Believe!

illustration of bacon
Get ready to sizzle with delight as you dive into a crispy, savory pile of amazing fun facts about everyone's favorite breakfast sidekick – bacon!

1. Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival

Bacon lovers, unite (and pig out)! If your love for crispy, sizzling, savory bacon strips has you seeking porky solace among like-minded enthusiasts, then you're in for an oinkin' good time: The Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival in Des Moines, Iowa, entering its 13th year, has chosen to scale back from a whopping 10,000 attendees in previous years to a more exclusive 5,000 bacon buddies for an intimate, flavorful event all about that precious pork.
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2. Bernays Saves Breakfast

Bacon, the crispy savior of breakfast, once faced a fate worse than a toothless pig gnawing on an ear of corn: industrial revolution-induced absence! But fear not, fellow bacon enthusiasts, for Edward Bernays and his PR prowess showcased the glorious glory of sizzling bacon in the 1920s, sealing its permanent residency on our breakfast tables: Today, Americans scarf down a meaty 18 pounds of bacon per person, per year, and even though the percentages muddle like greasy fingers on fine china, we know that a hearty portion of those heavenly strips commit to satisfying our morning cravings like a superhero of satisfying sizzle.
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3. Sir Francis Bacon's Icy End

A rare case of 'cold feet' leading to a groundbreaking discovery: Sir Francis Bacon, considered the father of modern science, met his untimely demise after attempting to preserve a chicken with snow, and instead of stopping it from spoiling, he ended up contracting pneumonia in 1626 at the age of 65.
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4. Bacon-tastic Beauty Products

In a world where bacon is king and personal hygiene reigns supreme, a daring crossover awaits: Introducing Bacon-tastic Beauty Bonanza! With a whiff of smoked pig in every spritz, these pioneers have managed to turn your daily routine into a succulent affair: Find bacon-inspired beauty products such as soaps, shaving creams, body washes, and even perfumes at Emanate the irresistible aroma of sizzling strips with their bacon-flavored toothpaste and lip balms, and become the envy of breakfast enthusiasts everywhere.
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Bacon in Tech Marketing

5. Bacon in Tech Marketing

When pigs fly, they land in the tech world: Bacon has proven its prowess beyond the breakfast table by starring in a tech marketing video for the Hotsauce HotSwitch, a new router, to help bring awareness to potential clients with its sizzling on-screen charisma.
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6. Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

You've heard of Six Degrees of Separation, but have you met its scrumptious cousin, the sizzling Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, bringing people and bacon together since the 90s? A delightfully delectable phenomenon, it keeps the world connected one Bacon bit at a time: This amusingly titled game measures a performer's closeness to Kevin Bacon through shared film appearances, with the actor himself having a Bacon number of 0. Inspired by the Erdős number concept in mathematics, it even has an online tool called "The Oracle of Bacon," where one can calculate the Bacon number of any celebrity. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and let the savory goodness of Bacon-nections enrich your movie-watching experience!
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7. Bacon Alternatives for Vegetarians

Don't go bacon my heart: Rejoice, dear vegetarians and vegans, for the world of meat-free delights has gifted us with tempeh and coconut bacon, ensuring you can join the crispy, smoky flavor party without sacrificing your dietary principles.
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8. Bacon Rationing During WWII

When the bacon had to bring home the bacon in the UK: Amidst World War II, contrary to popular belief, bacon didn't hog special privileges, as rationing equally applied to all types of meat, depending on individual's ration books and availability.
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