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Discover the Top 3 Surprising Fun Facts About School Uniforms

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Dive into the world of plaid skirts and ties as we reveal some intriguing and lesser-known fun facts about school uniforms!

1. Uniforms & Social Class

Who wore it better - the haves or the have-nots? Uniforms weren't always about dressing to impress, but rather, dressing to be assessed: School uniforms began as a way to distinguish between different social classes, with wealthy students sporting finer clothing and poor students wearing standard-issue garb from charity schools. This schoolyard fashion statement traces its roots to the 16th century United Kingdom, and withstanding the test of time, it has adapted to the ever-changing societal dress codes.
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2. Gender-Neutral Dress Code

In a valiant attempt to prevent skirt-related catastrophes and high heel despair in schools, the uniform policy has gone all-inclusive: nearly 50% of women and over 33% of men support gender-neutral school uniforms in the UK, reflecting the growing trend to eliminate gender stereotypes, improve playground safety, and offer versatile sartorial choices to young fashionistas.
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3. Superman's High School Origins

In a plot twist worthy of a superhero comic book, the creators of Superman stitched up their masterpiece with threads of epic importance-but failed to draw color-inspiration from their high school's uniforms: Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, both born in 1914, met during their high school days, bonding over a mutual love for sci-fi stories and cartoons. While there's no evidence showing that their school uniforms had any bearing on Superman's iconic colors, it is said that Joe Shuster designed the red and blue outfit based on other influences, including the circus strongman outfit and the medieval costume of Robin Hood.
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