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Top 10 Surprising Fun Facts About Dog Food: Discover the Canine Cuisine Secrets!

illustration of dog-food
Get ready to chow down on some tasty tidbits as we serve up a delightful dish of fun facts about dog food that will have you wagging for more!

1. Asian Carp Invasion in Dog Food

Who let the dogs out? (Asian) carp!: Canadian pet food company Wilder Harrier is tackling the invasive species issue in North American waters by creating a dog food formula that sources Asian carp as its protein, partnering with commercial fishing groups in Illinois to reduce the ecological impact and promote sustainability with ingredients like cricket proteins, seaweed, spent juice pulp, and black soldier fly protein.
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2. Probiotics and Taurine in Fromm's Game Bird Recipe

If your pup's tummy could talk, it'd probably say "thanks for the grub, now give me some good bacteria!": Some dog food brands, like Fromm Game Bird Recipe, toss in probiotics and taurine along with turkey, goose, and a medley of fruits and veggies to help your furry friend digest more easily and keep their precious hearts healthy.
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3. Spratt's Pioneering Dog Food Advertising

Before "barking" up the advertising tree and "fetching" people's attention with eye-catching billboards, companies had to get innovative with their promotions, including the cracker-jacks selling dog food back in the day: Spratt's, the first-and may we say pawsome-large-scale manufacturer of dog biscuits, introduced the world to advertising artistry with their iconic billboard in London, touting a mouthwatering menu of "Dog Cakes," puppy biscuits infused with cod liver oil, and even "Malt-milk" for youngsters, alongside their delectable tinned pet food and crunchy granulated kibble offerings.
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4. 3-D Food Printer for Astronauts and Dogs

Houston, we have a meal solution: A Texas-based company has teamed up with NASA to create a fun, futuristic 3-D food printer to whip up appetizing, nutritious meals for astronauts, even in low gravity! By simply blending powdered ingredients and digitally concocting recipes, this innovative tech could also give Earth-bound foodies and military operations a delicious new way to dine and could eventually ensure we're able to cater to an ever-growing global population.
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The Queen's Royal Doggy Menu

5. The Queen's Royal Doggy Menu

In a time where most dogs have to "ruff" it with pedestrian kibble, not all pooches are created equal - especially if they're fortunate enough to belong to the royal canine squad: The Queen's corgis and dorgis relish a premium daily menu that consists of fresh meats like beef, chicken, lamb, and rabbit, complemented by vegetables such as cabbage and rice. Served individually by the Queen's footman each afternoon (and sometimes hand-fed by Her Majesty herself), these royal dogs definitely have an air of pup-arazzi-worthy luxury, though no gourmet dog food labels have been spotted in the royal pantry.
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6. Molasses Magic in Dog Food

Sugar and spice and everything nice aren't just ingredients for creating Powerpuff Girls; they're also behind the scenes in the dog food world: Molasses, a co-product of sugar refining, is often added to dog food as a sweetener, binder, and energy source, providing beneficial plant components like raffinose and betaine, along with flavor and aroma that both pets and their owners can appreciate.
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7. Ethanol Byproduct: Dried Yeast in Pet Food

You know what they say about one man's trash being another man's treasure? It turns out one creature's leftover, ethyl-alcoholic party is another creature's ideal dinner staple: Dried yeast, a byproduct of ethanol production, is actually a high-quality protein source for dog and cat food formulations, providing both palatability enhancement and essential amino acids as a sustainable alternative to animal byproducts.
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8. Raw Beef and Organ Meat Variety

What's the beef with Fido's diet? Why, it's a veritable smorgasbord of vital vittles, a carnivore's carnival of variety, if you will: Rotating between cuts like organs, ground beef, and bones, raw beef is a powerhouse of pooch nutrition, providing essentials such as B3, B12, choline, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium, and zinc. So next time you spot liver, heart, and kidney at the butcher's, remember that those once inspired traditional dog food recipes for our furry friends!
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9. Legumes for Canine Nutrition

"Peas be with you," said the legume council of canine nutrition: Legumes, like green peas and lentils, provide a plethora of essential nutrients for dogs, such as vitamins A, C, and K, iron, magnesium, antioxidants, protein, and fiber, but should not be considered the primary protein source as they're missing all nine essential amino acids. Nonetheless, dog food recipes with legumes can help maintain a healthy gut and weight for our furry friends.
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Pumpkin Seeds: Nature's Worm Remover

10. Pumpkin Seeds: Nature's Worm Remover

Who needs a fairy godmother's pumpkin-powered transportation when you've got a pouch of pumpkin seeds in your canine's pantry: These magical orange nuggets contain the amino acid cucurbitin, which acts as a natural parasite-remover by paralyzing worms in your dog's digestive tract. Just add ½ teaspoon per 20lbs of weight to their daily meals, and watch their innards become a no-worm zone!
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