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Discover the Delicious: Top 8 Fun Facts About Culinary Genius Thomas Keller You Never Knew!

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Dive into the delicious world of Thomas Keller as we whisk you away on a journey exploring tasty tidbits and mouth-watering morsels about this renowned chef's life and career.

1. Dumbledore of the Culinary World

If Thomas Keller were a Hogwarts professor, he'd surely be the Dumbledore of the culinary world – teaching chefs the magical art of French cuisine and sprinkling pixie dust in their soufflés: In addition to educating aspiring cooks through the CIA and founding the Bocuse d’Or USA Foundation, Keller received the title of “America’s Best Chef” from Time magazine in 2001 and was awarded the Chevalier of The French Legion of Honor in 2011 for his wizardry in French gastronomy.
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2. Mastering the Michelin Star Game

Did Thomas Keller master the cheat code for the Michelin star game, or is he simply the king of culinary wizardry? You be the judge: Thomas Keller has not one, but two American restaurants – French Laundry and Per Se – with the coveted three-star Michelin rating, while his dining empire also includes the homey and familial Ad Hoc experience.
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3. $10 Million Lemonade

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, but when Thomas Keller is given lemons, he turns them into a culinary masterpiece and upgrades his restaurant to Michelin star fame: Recently, Keller invested a whopping $10 million in renovating his esteemed French Laundry, featuring a state-of-the-art kitchen, a 16,000-bottle wine cellar, solar paneling, an office annex, and 9,000 square feet of lavish landscape design—however, the rumor that he sold his 1995 Porsche 993 for the makeover is simply a tall tale.
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4. Culinary Superhero

Thomas Keller, the French culinary ambassador of America and part-time superhero, possesses an exclusive superpower that even Spider-Man and Superman can't claim: being on the French Légion d'honneur culinary dream team roster: In 2011, Keller joined other American culinary titans like Alice Waters and Julia Child in receiving France's highest honor, the Légion d'honneur. Legendary French chef Paul Bocuse himself presented the award to Keller at his New York restaurant Per Se, and the celebration was attended by a veritable who's who of food industry nobility, including Eric Ripert, Jacques Pepin, and Food & Wine editor Dana Cowin.
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Michelin Star Polygamy

5. Michelin Star Polygamy

If Michelin stars could talk, they'd say Thomas Keller could give a masterclass in playing the field: This culinary titan is the only American chef to receive simultaneous three-star ratings for two different restaurants - Per Se in New York City and The French Laundry in Yountville, California - boasting a total of seven Michelin stars.
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6. From Michelin Stars to Legal Wars

From dishing out Michelin stars to getting served some legal trouble: Thomas Keller, famed chef and owner of renowned restaurants Per Se and The French Laundry, currently faces a $5 million lawsuit from a former employee alleging sex discrimination and violation of pregnancy disability leave.
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7. Mentoring Molecular Gastronomy

When life gives you Thommy lemons, he squeezes out haute cuisine: Before becoming a culinary titan, Thomas Keller served as an inspiring mentor for Grant Achatz during his time at the French Laundry, and even facilitated Achatz's prestigious internship at El Bulli, refining his molecular gastronomy finesse.
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8. Eggscruciating Sous Vide Origins

Much ado about clucking: Thomas Keller, a culinary Shakespeare, found himself in a most eggscruciating conundrum, poaching chicken breast in milk inside a Dutch oven. From this unusual nest hatched his later sous vide mastery, where salmon and duck breast were wrapped, coaxed, and temp-tamed in watery abodes. And while his methods at The French Laundry may be groundbreaking, his sous vide skills were feathered from a technique used in kitchens for decades prior.
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