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Sweet Discoveries: Top 10 Fun Facts About Sugar You Never Knew!

illustration of sugar
Get ready for a sweet journey as we unravel some surprisingly delightful fun facts about sugar that are sure to leave you craving for more knowledge (and maybe a cookie or two)!

1. Bees Taste with Their Feet

Who needs a tongue when you've got fancy footwork? Bees do the taste test tango with their tootsies: Using their specialized hair-like structures called sensilla on their front tarsi (the ends of their legs), they deftly determine the flavor profile of flowers they land on. This allows them to quickly decide if the flower has nectar worth sipping, or if they should buzz off to a tastier destination.
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2. Carpenter Ants Love Meat and Sugar

Calling all ant dietitians – we've finally cracked their secret craving! These tiny lumberjacks just can't resist a savory meat and sugar combo: Carpenter ants can actually travel up to 100 yards from their nest to find food, using a blend of pheromones and visual memories to navigate, though detecting sugar from 90 feet away is off the table.
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3. Sugar Beets: Nitrogen Superheroes

Sugar beets: the superheroes of agriculture with an uncanny knack for nitrogen wrangling! They take nitrogen deficiency in their stride, fearlessly conquering the challenge by growing longer and larger roots as needed: Turns out, certain sugar beet genotypes can tolerate low nitrogen levels and maintain high nitrogen use efficiency by increasing their root length and surface area, not only enhancing their nutrient-absorbing abilities but also better distributing assimilation products to their ever-strong roots. Truly a champion crop, sugar beet is!
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4. US: The High-Fructose Corn Syrup King

In a sweet twist of fate, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave has dethroned candy land to become the reigning champion of high-fructose corn syrup kingdoms: The United States is not only a major sugar producer but has also claimed the title of the largest high-fructose corn syrup producer in the world, with a whopping 7.6 million short tons in 2020, finding its way into beverages, dairy, and processed foods everywhere.
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Sugar Beet or Sugarcane? A Veggie Showdown

5. Sugar Beet or Sugarcane? A Veggie Showdown

Ever heard of a beet that's sweet on your teeth? We're not talking about those vibrant purple veggies, but their close cousin: the sugar beet! Preparing for the great veggie sugar-off: 20% of the world's sugar is actually produced from these not-so-colorful root vegetables, grown primarily in the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere, while the remaining 80% comes from the more tropical and subtropical sugarcane.
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6. Aristotle, the Sweet Philosopher

Before Aristotle became the "bee's knees" of philosophy: This honey-loving Greek scholar had a sweet side too, penning a whole book on beekeeping and highlighting the ancient world's appreciation for honey as a delicious curative for ailments and injuries.
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7. Honey Laundering & Pollinator Piracy

Who would've thought that our insatiable sweet tooth might be behind a classic case of bee-friending, honey-bootlegging, and pollinator-piracy? Why, it's like honey laundering in bee-ourney's Eleven: Farmed honeybees, used as pollinators, contribute to the decline of wild native bee populations, and large-scale beekeeping operations often feed bees with high-fructose corn syrup or refined sugar, causing harm and disrupting their natural processes. Supporting wild native bees and organic, small-scale beekeeping operations is crucial for their well-being and our ecosystem.
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8. Queen Elizabeth's Sugar-Fueled Dental Woes

When Elizabeth the First wasn't busy ruling the land, she was sugar's number one fan; from sweet feasts to brushing her teeth with the sweet treat, her highness practiced "sugar, spice, and not-so-nice" dental care: The Virgin Queen's sugar obsession led to severe tooth decay and a notorious speech impediment, causing great confusion among foreign dignitaries; but even in great pain, she refused to give up her candy kingdom or extract any teeth, reigning with a sweet tooth and a sore smile till the very end.
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9. Soda vs Snickers: A Sugar Showdown

Hold onto your sweet tooth and prepare for a sugar rush of epic proportions: One 12-ounce can of soda contains a surprising 39 grams of added sugar – that's even more than the 30 grams found in a regular-sized Snickers candy bar, as revealed by Ashley Krautkramer, a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist. Brace yourself, label-readers – avoiding these sugary fiends is key to dodging health disasters like weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease!
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Hummingbirds: Sugar-Powered Jet Setters

10. Hummingbirds: Sugar-Powered Jet Setters

If hummingbirds and nectar bats walked into a bar, they'd both order the same drink: the Sucrose Slammer! This high-energy cocktail fuels their frenetic dance floor moves, as they go from one flower to another, living the sweet life we all secretly envy: The reason behind their refined sugar taste buds and shared love for nectar is their impressive ability to hydrolyze sucrose at rapid rates, allowing them to channel sugar directly from their diet into powering their flight muscles. This fine evolutionary craftsmanship has turned the "sugar oxidation cascade" pathway into their personal jet fuel for swift, sugar-fueled flights.
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