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Juicy Discoveries: Top 11 Scrumptious and Surprising Fun Facts About Peaches You Never Knew!

illustration of peaches
Get ready to be peachy keen on these juicy tidbits that'll leave you feeling just peachy about this sweet and fuzzy fruit!

1. First Peach Tree Planted in Virginia

It turns out peaches ain't just Georgia's darlings y'all, they've been playing the field with the whole country from the get-go: The first peach tree in North America was actually planted by English colonist George Minifie in Virginia, and it took a whole century for Maryland, Delaware, Georgia, and Virginia to start farming these juicy beauties commercially.
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2. Peaches: Health-Focused Godmother of Fruits

Peaches be like the godmother of fruits, granting wishes for your well-being with a wave of her juicy wand: Packed with fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, these flavor bombs can give your immune system a leg up, keep your skin glowing, and quench your sweet tooth cravings, all while keeping calories in check. Who knew a little fuzz could pack such a punch?
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3. The Peach-prechaun and Chinese Legends

Peach-prechaun: As ancient Chinese legends would have it, if you're lucky enough to find the mythical "Peach-prechaun," he'll grant you wishes of longevity, prosperity, and more fruitful puns; the secret? Peaches have been grown in China for over 8,000 years and symbolize all those good things, making them one of the "Three Divine Fruits" alongside apricots and plums – not to mention, they're deliciously juicy treats enjoyed worldwide throughout the summer months.
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4. Peach Rivalry: South Carolina Surprises

Move over, Georgia peaches—we've got Carolina surprise in the fruit basket! While Georgia usually gets all the peachy attention, South Carolina slyly moves in with an impressive reveal: South Carolina actually produces over three times the amount of peaches as Georgia per season, and is a major cultivator of well-known varieties like 'Elberta,' which were first hybridized by its neighboring state.
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2,000 Varieties of Peachy Goodness

5. 2,000 Varieties of Peachy Goodness

Peachy keen and bursting at the seams with variety, the world of peaches is far from a one-size-fits-all fruitopia: With over 2,000 different types, colors, and flavors, these fuzzy-skinned delights range from the velvety embrace of the Babcock peach to the luscious surrender of Melting Flesh, ensuring a taste bud tango for all.
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6. California Steals Peach Crown from Georgia

Peaches be trippin' in California: Turns out, the Golden State has dethroned Georgia as the top US peach producer. Yet, Peach County, Georgia, stands tall as the Peach Capital of the World, delighting taste buds with its annual Peach Festival and colossal World's Largest Peach Cobbler, baked using 75 gallons of Georgia peaches and 150 pounds each of flour and sugar. Pearson Farms, also located in Peach County, outgrew all expectations with an unofficial world record-breaking, 1.8-pound peach that's destined for a cobbler of monstrous proportions, verified by Guinness World Records.
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7. Peaches: The Constipation Crusaders

Feeling peachy keen about avoiding constipation? Here's the fruitful truth you've been pitting your hopes on: one medium-sized peach is packed with 2 grams of fiber to keep things moving smoothly through your digestive system, and its blossoms are used in Chinese medicine to treat tummy troubles.
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8. China: The Ancient Peach Masters

Step aside, James and your giant peach: peaches actually hail from China and have been rocking their fuzziness for over 8,000 years! Seriously, no kidding: China not only cultivated peaches for ages but also leads the global production market; they contribute to 50% of the world's peaches, with Italy, Spain, and the United States following behind. China chomps down most of their harvest, landing as the fifth-largest exporter, while letting mythology and history savor the sweet taste of peaches in art and literature.
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9. Peach Pits: Not So Deadly After All

Don't go nuts over peach pits: Despite their reputation for toxicity, you'd need to munch down about 30 of these forbidden fruits' centers to reach the National Institute of Health's danger zone for hydrogen cyanide consumption. So, while you shouldn't make a peachy practice of it, accidentally swallowing a pit or two shouldn't ensnarl you in the pits of despair.
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Peaches and Their Beauty Sleep Requirements

10. Peaches and Their Beauty Sleep Requirements

Peaches: nature's fuzzy orbs of deliciousness that refuse to fruit without their beauty sleep. Ah, but it's not just any slumber they crave: peaches need a specific minimum number of hours chilling at nighttime temperatures between 32 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit to produce a bountiful crop. In warmer climates, they'll make do with a little less shut-eye, but choosing the right peach variety for your region is crucial as climate change is impacting these chilling requirements.
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11. Clingstone vs. Freestone Peaches in Cocktails

Peaches, the humble gate-crashers of the fruit cocktail party: turns out they come in two types – clingstone and freestone. Most canned peaches available in stores are actually made from clingstone peaches, since their stubborn pits are hard to remove, but they boast a sweeter taste perfect for preserving, whereas freestone peaches easily part ways with their pits, making them ideal for direct consumption or cooking.
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