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Spice Up Your Knowledge: Top 9 Fun Facts About Paprika You Never Knew

illustration of paprika
Get ready to spice up your knowledge with these peppy and colorful fun facts about paprika that are sure to leave you craving for more!

1. Houston, we have a paprika-naut

Houston, we have a paprika-naut: Hungary is investing $100 million to send a Hungarian astronaut to the International Space Station in late 2024 or early 2025, where they'll test 12 Hungarian devices and perform eight experiments from Hungarian universities during their month-long mission.
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2. Flamingos love backyard BBQs

Who knew flamingos had a favorite spice? It's rumored that the pink-winged wonders are partial to a dash of paprika, especially at their exclusive backyard BBQs: Paprika, originally from Southern Mexico, Central America, and the Antilles Islands, was adopted by the Hungarians who essentially gave it its famous moniker. Not just for seasoning delectable dishes, paprika is also used in flamingo food to maintain their fabulous pink hues! Produced globally, you can find this tasty spice hailing from Hungary, Spain, South America, the Mediterranean, India, or even sunny California.
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3. Paprika: the chameleon of the spice world

Paprika: the chameleon of the spice world, always switching between spicy, sweet, smoky, and delicate flavors like an undercover taste-bud agent. The intrigue doesn't stop there: this colorful character's hue is derived from carotenoids such as α-carotene, β-carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein, and β-cryptoxanthin, with orange paprika stealthily hiding higher levels of zeaxanthin and lutein than its red or yellow comrades.
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4. Paprika's color wheel of flavors

While paprika might not be the "spice of life," it's certainly spicing up the globe, with a color wheel of flavors from around the world: As the fourth most consumed spice worldwide, paprika boasts different varieties like "regular" paprika, Hungarian paprika, Spanish paprika or Pimentón, and smoked paprika. Hungarian paprika is considered the national spice of Hungary, made from various peppers and classified into eight flavor-packed grades, whereas Spanish paprika brings the heat with its sweet, mild, and hot varieties depending on the processing of the peppers used. Meanwhile, smoked paprika gives a nod to Spain's La Vera region, where it's dried over wood fires, delivering a smoky, earthy punch.
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Spicy sitcom sidekick

5. Spicy sitcom sidekick

Paprika, the spicy sidekick that brings Hungary's culinary adventures to life like seasoning on a sitcom set: This vibrant red powder first arrived on the scene in Europe courtesy of the Turks back in the 15th century, before becoming a mainstay in Hungarian cuisine by the late 1600s – a perfect example of stealing the show! Today, Hungary is lauded for its top-notch paprika, but supplies a mere 10% of the worldwide production, proving that every good supporting actor knows when to share the spotlight.
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6. Once upon a thyme in Hungary

Once upon a thyme in Hungary, a clever businessman decided to spice things up and team up with a Nobel Prize-winning scientist to transform paprika from a pretty little garnish to a truly pepp'ing party of flavor: In the early 20th century, biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi isolated Vitamin C from paprika, earning himself a Nobel Prize and giving rise to a serious boost in paprika sales, especially in the United States. Nowadays, paprika is a signature ingredient in the legendary Hungarian goulash and snazzy, spicy fish soup.
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7. Captain Inflammation Executioner

If paprika were a superhero, it would be called "Captain Inflammation Executioner," battling the dreaded Arthritis and Nerve Damage foes with its trusty weapons: heat and spice!: The hot paprika variety contains capsaicin, a compound that helps reduce inflammation and pain in conditions like arthritis and nerve damage, and can even prevent stomach issues in people with gastrointestinal diseases.
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8. Paprika's Spotify playlist

If paprika had a Spotify playlist, it would be heavy on the Hungarian hits, with a pinch of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" for color: Paprika is a key ingredient in Hungarian cuisine, often starting off recipes with a sautéed onion base, and is held in such high regard that it shares a pedestal with sour cream in Hungarian kitchens – though it's notably absent from their national anthem.
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9. On a skincare stage near you

Who thought spicing up your life could be taken so literally? Paprika's making a cameo on a skincare stage near you: This popular spice is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, known for brightening skin and reducing inflammation, which has led to the incorporation of paprika extract in some beauty products for its potential anti-aging benefits – but remember, test for irritation before slathering your face with this culinary star.
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