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Discover the Top 7 Enticing Fun Facts About Olive Oil You Never Knew!

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Dive into the slippery world of olive oil, where each fact is more deliciously surprising than the last!

1. Greek Influencers of Olive Oil

Before Instagram influencers were even a glimmer in the ancient world's eye, trendsetters in Greece were already rocking the cradle of civilization with a slick sense of style: olive oil served as currency, social status enhancement, and a fragrant accessory for hair and body, transforming the Greeks into the original oiled-up rock stars of the Mediterranean.
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2. Ancient Egyptian Skincare

Feeling a bit ancient and dusty in your skincare routine? Take a page from the Ancient Egyptians' beauty book and dial it back to a time when olive oil ruled the skincare scene: The Ancient Egyptians used olive oil in their skincare routines to soften and protect their skin from the sun's harsh rays and the drying winds and sands, making this golden elixir a go-to moisturizer and even a cleansing paste for facial care and makeup removal. But sorry to disappoint the drama queens, Ancient Romans didn't use it for their post-show clean up!
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3. Athena's Kardashian Connection

If Athena and the Kardashians had a baby, it would bathe in olive oil: This ancient, multipurpose elixir has been a prized commodity since the early days, used for everything from cooking and lighting to soothing sunburns and softening skin. So important was olive oil to the Athenians that they named their city after Athena, the goddess who scored them this slick gift, and even saw olive branches become symbols of peace, abundance, and purification.
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4. Mediterranean Superhero Liquid

Move over, Popeye, there's a new green in town packing a punch for our health: olive oil, a star ingredient in the Mediterranean diet, has proven to improve heart health, aid digestion, and reduce inflammation, even playing a role in lowering the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's. So swap out that spinach for a drizzle of this liquid gold, and savor the delightful taste along with its health-boosting superpowers.
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Roman Slip 'n Slide Baths

5. Roman Slip 'n Slide Baths

Forget using lather, rinse, and repeat – the Romans had a much more slippery way to scrub-a-dub-dub: Olive oil was a vital component of their bathing rituals, with men slathering it on their skin before scraping away dirt and sweat with a metal tool called a strigil.
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6. Olympic Oil Recovery Secret

Before making a workout recovery smoothie, perhaps you should rub some olive oil on those muscles instead – an ancient Greek secret, no less: Research published in the Archives of Medical Science reveals that those clever Greeks used olive oil to improve skin elasticity and stimulate muscle blood flow, making post-exercise bounce back lightning fast.
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7. Zeus' Salad Dressing

If Zeus drizzled his ambrosia on a Greek salad, it would probably just be olive oil: In Crete, the world's biggest per capita consumers of olive oil are found, with each person guzzling up to 31 liters annually, making this heart-healthy and potentially cancer-preventing Mediterranean treasure a vital ingredient in their legendary cuisine!
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