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10 Surprising and Delightful Facts About Cloves You Never Knew

illustration of cloves
Get ready to spice up your knowledge with these intriguing and delightful fun facts about cloves that are sure to pique your curiosity!

1. Antioxidant Avengers

If cloves were superheroes, they'd be part of the antioxidant Avengers, uniting with age-defying elixirs to put flavorless villains to shame: According to the Antioxidant Food Database, this humble spice takes top honors as one of the most antioxidant-rich seasonings alongside vaunted herbs and supplements, painstakingly analyzed in 3100 food samples from across the globe.
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2. Kretek Creation

They say laughter is the best medicine, but sometimes you've got to spice things up to clear your pipes: Hajj Djamhari concocted the first clove cigarette, or kretek, in Central Java in 1880 by adding dried clove buds and rubber tree sap to his hand-rolled cigarettes, effectively alleviating his chest pains and asthma symptoms. The innovative blend swiftly gained nationwide popularity in Indonesia, though as of September 22, 2009, they have been banished from the United States due to a crackdown on flavored tobacco products.
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3. Ancient Chinese Breath Mints

Before there was breath mint diplomacy, ancient China had it all cloved up: nobles and aristocrats used cloves to freshen their breath before bowing to the emperor, attempting to mask the scent of the noodles they had just slurped. But, cloves' popularity took a dive after getting a bad rep in the Chinese medicine world for being overused and eventually replaced by synthetic drugs. Today, these once royal, breath-freshening buds are a sought-after spice sprinkled in kitchens across the globe.
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4. Garam Masala Superstar

If garam masala were an orchestra, cloves would be playing first chair in a symphony of spices: this versatile and piquant spice blend found in South Asian cuisine harmoniously combines up to 30 high-quality individual spices, such as coriander, cumin, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and nutmeg, with cloves being an integral part of the ensemble.
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Spicy World Domination

5. Spicy World Domination

If cloves could talk, they'd boast about their spicy role in world domination: these tiny bad boys were at the heart of trade history, monopolized by the Portuguese and Dutch, and making their way from the Han dynasty in China to Greek, Egyptian, and European markets via Phoenician and Radhanite Jewish traders. And we mustn't forget Marco Polo, who marveled at cloves' prowess in China, or Hui Muslim naval commander Zheng He, who was all about that spice trade life.
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6. Toothache Remedy

When life gives you a toothache, cure it with a clove, not a lemon: a drop of clove oil can provide instant relief from a toothache thanks to its natural anesthetic properties, and this versatile spice does double-duty as an antiseptic in various Asian therapies – quite a punch packed into those itsy-bitsy buds!
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7. Magical Mouth Potion

Ever wish you had a magical mouth-fixing potion? Well, grab your wizard hat and swish your wand over these enchanting little spice nuggets: Cloves are natural antibacterial agents that not only freshen breath but also promote saliva production for a cleaner mouth with a homemade mouthwash or tea. Abracadabra, goodbye halitosis!
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8. Culinary Hijacker

Beware the deceptive power of the unassuming clove, for it lies in wait to hijack your culinary creations with its potent punch: even the tiniest excess of clove in a dish can overpower all other flavors, but fear not, as you can save the day (and the meal) with various tricks ranging from diluting the dish to adding dairy or sweeteners.
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9. Rapid Red Transformation

If you ever find yourself playing a game of "Red Light, Green Light" with a clove tree, you might get some stiff competition: the little buds on this tree have a penchant for turning from green to red in their quest to become our beloved spice! But timing is crucial: when they reach their crimson peak, they must be plucked by hand in a race against time before they spill their flavorful secrets and blossom into adulthood. Green means go: The most fragrant cloves are harvested during a specific period between September and February, when the maturing buds're at their reddest and most oil-rich, ensuring that these seasoning superstars pack the most punch during their prime years of productivity, between the ages of 15 and 20.
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Shipwreck Spice Surprise

10. Shipwreck Spice Surprise

Ahoy, spice lovers! Imagine a shipwreck so old it makes your grandma's secret recipes seem like a rookie attempt: presto, the Gribshunden is your go-to galley. The surprising kicker here: this ancient treasure trove was stocked with over 3,000 plant specimens, including cloves, giving us a spicy insight into the late medieval Nordic royal court's luxurious tastes. However, fear not ye common folks, for these flavorsome gems were not reserved for the kings and queens alone, but indeed enjoyed by the wealthy elite as well.
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