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Crunch Time: Top 6 Exciting and Unexpected Cereal Fun Facts You Need to Know!

illustration of cereal
Get ready for a breakfast delight as we unveil some deliciously entertaining fun facts about your favorite morning bowl of cereal!

1. "Holy Crap" Cereal in Space

Next time you're dining among the stars, don't forget the "Holy Crap" for breakfast: this Canadian-made cereal was chosen by a Grade Four student for astronaut Chris Hadfield's menu during his 2012-2013 mission to the International Space Station, due to its long shelf-life, nutritious ingredients, and minimal crumbs on orbit.
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2. Corn Flakes' Anti-Masturbation Origins

In a flaky twist of fate, the original purpose of corn flakes was less about tickling your taste buds and more about keeping your hands out of your pants: Dr. John Harvey Kellogg invented the bland cereal to steer Americans away from sin, especially masturbation, as part of his biologic living movement advocating for exercise, bathing, whole grains, and less meat for a virtuous life. Unfortunately for him, the American public crunched away any hopes of moral purification, turning cereal into a popular convenience food and birthing multiple major cereal companies.
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3. Monster Cereals' Scaredy-Cat Commercials

Before the monsters were the cereal "killers" in the breakfast aisle: The original Monster Cereals commercials had Count Chocula and friends trembling with fear from children, black cats, and other spooky beings, rather than being the frightful favorites we know and love them as today.
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4. Cap'n Crunch's Galactic Popularity

Has Cap'n Crunch ever boldly gone where no cereal has gone before? Fear not, space pirates – while there's no record of the Cap'n venturing to the cosmos, his terrestrial exploits have been captivating taste buds since 1963: This iconic corn and oat cereal, brought to you by Quaker Oats Company (now a thriving division of PepsiCo), has skyrocketed in popularity, with over a billion fans in 200+ countries crunch-a-tizing their mornings alongside Horatio Magellan Crunch, the quirky cap-wearing mascot we all know and love.
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Iron Content in Cereals – Non-Magnetic

5. Iron Content in Cereals – Non-Magnetic

Ever tried magnet fishing in a bowl of cereal, seeking hidden treasures? Sorry to burst your bubble: the iron added to breakfast cereals is a non-magnetic powder, making your magnet-wielding expedition quite fruitless!
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6. Lucky the Leprechaun's Fake Accent

Who needs a pot o' gold when you can charm generations with a fake Irish accent: Arthur Anderson, the voice behind the iconic Lucky the Leprechaun in Lucky Charms cereal commercials, hailed from Staten Island with Danish and English roots, getting started in showbiz at 12 years old and delighting breakfast tables as Lucky from 1963 to 1992.
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