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Discover the Crunchy Side: Top 13 Unbelievable Fun Facts About Broccoli You Never Knew!

illustration of broccoli
Get ready to stalk the truth as we unravel the fascinating and nutritious world of broccoli with these fun facts that are sure to leave you green with envy!

1. Broccoli's Rockstar Cultivars

What do kale and George Clooney have in common? They're both overshadowed by a superstar named Broccoli! This unassuming stalker has a star-studded cast of cultivars like Belstar, Blue Wind, Coronado Crown, and Waltham 29: Rockstars in the world of broccoli, they're some of the most popular varieties grown worldwide, bringing vitamins and minerals galore while happily being upstaged by China and India, the stage mommas of broccoli production.
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2. Battling Cabbage Butterflies

In the great battlefield of vegetable warfare, broccoli crafted a master plan to conquer its mortal enemy, the cabbage butterfly, by arming itself with a secret weapon of mass digestion: Its slightly bitter taste, thanks to the presence of glucosinolates - chemical compounds also found in other brassica veggies like cabbage, kale, and cauliflower. This evolutionary tussle led to the development of our beloved fiery condiments like mustard, wasabi, and horseradish!
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3. Last Supper's Green Guest

Rumor has it that broccoli was the lesser-known guest at the Last Supper, sitting humbly beside the bread and wine, offering its little green florets to the apostles: Forget human families; broccoli is actually a member of the cabbage family, making it cousins with cauliflower and kale, and packed with essential vitamins like vitamin C and K to keep your body healthier than the crowd at a Kenny G concert.
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4. Broccoli's Ancient Roman Fashion

Before kale stole the spotlight as the hippest veggie in town, its sassy cousin broccoli was already dressing up dinner plates with its lush green afro back in ancient Rome: Broccoli was cultivated from the wild cabbage by the Etruscans, an ancient Italian civilization, and has been a staple ingredient since the Roman Empire, with its Italian name "broccolo" meaning "the flowering crest of a cabbage," and its popularity in the US tripling over the past 30 years.
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Hollywood's Vitamin C-rich Actor

5. Hollywood's Vitamin C-rich Actor

Did you hear about the broccoli that went to Hollywood? It tried to become an A-lister for its role as the main squeeze in fighting off colds and keeping your skin smooth and supple: Munch on just one cup of this tiny tree-like veggie, and you'll be chomping down a whopping 91% of your daily value of vitamin C, crucial for immunity and skin health!
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6. China's Cruciferous King

While broccoli may not make you leap through hoops of fire like a circus lion, it sure does have some worldwide charm: it's no surprise that China is the "King of this Cruciferous Circus" with 9.49 million tons produced in 2020, followed by India at 8.84 million tons and the US at 1.26 million tons - a worthy act in this green, nutritional cabaret!
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7. Gawkiness with Hidden Talents

While broccoli might be the awkward, gawky cousin in the vegetable family photo, it definitely has its fair share of talents! Move over, kale, broccoli is coming for your superfood crown: Not only is this green giant a power-packed source of vitamins C, K1, and folate, crucial for immune function, blood clotting, and cell growth, it also struts its stuff with isothiocyanates, plant compounds linked to cancer prevention and a host of health benefits.
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8. Microscopic Alfresco Protector

Broccoli: part tiny tree, part magical green forest that protects your insides from pesky invaders. But seriously: this unassuming veggie is packed with antioxidants like flavonoids and glucosinolates, which help reduce inflammation and may even have anti-cancer properties – all while supplying vital vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and potassium. So the next time you munch on these microscopic alfrescos, know that you're fueling your body with a powerful, nutritious, and hilarious sidekick!
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9. Broccolini's Steamy Vegetable Romance

Broccolini, the intriguing love child of a steamy vegetable romance gone international, mingling Western broccoli with Eastern flair: In reality, this clever green concoction isn't a mix of broccoli and Chinese kale, but rather the delightful offspring of broccoli and Chinese broccoli (gai lan), boasting long luscious stalks and tender-crisp florets that tease your taste buds.
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Green is the New Black

10. Green is the New Black

Brace yourselves, green is the new black: when cooking broccoli, its green color becomes more vibrant due to the expansion of air in the gaps between plant cells, slightly clouding the chlorophyll pigment's green shade. But beware, an overcooked broccoli turns grey-green as plant cells break down, and to keep those healthy compounds intact, cook it for just 5-7 minutes in boiling water or add baking soda to prevent pheophytin formation. So, keep your florets fabulous and healthy—because who doesn't enjoy a stylish broccoli moment?
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11. Broccoli's Mini Fists of Fury

Broccoli: more like bro-KILLIN' it, amirite? These tiny green trees pack a punch in the health department with their mini-leafy fists of fury: chock-full of sulforaphane, broccoli helps fight off cancer by neutralizing toxins, reducing inflammation, blocking DNA mutations, and slowing tumor growth. Steam or eat them raw to reap the benefits; just remember to invite their colorful veggie pals to the party for an all-around health boost!
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12. Fighting Rotten Egg Smells

When broccoli goes bad, it smells like a rotten egg's day job: The key to combating that sulfuric stench when cooking broccoli is using fresh ingredients, steaming or stir-frying instead of boiling, and keeping the lid tightly on the pot. To further suppress those villainous vapors, add bread, rice, or acidic accomplices like white vinegar, lemon juice, or red wine vinegar. But most importantly, don't overcook - your nostrils and nutrient-loving taste buds will thank you.
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13. Protein Showdown: Broccoli vs. Oranges

Next time you're caught in a steamy argument about the protein prowess of fruits and vegetables, just remember: broccoli's got the "peel" of victory in this particular showdown: Packed with 303% more protein than oranges, a 100g serving of broccoli boasts 2.8g of protein, leaving the 0.7g in a 100g serving of oranges green with envy.
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