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4 Scrumptious Fun Facts About Bagels: Discover Their Surprising Origins and More!

illustration of bagels
Get ready to embark on a deliciously delightful journey as we unravel the scrumptiously fascinating world of bagels, one fun fact at a time!

1. Space Schmears

In a hole in the dough where the schmears live: In 2008, H&H Bagels launched the first batch of cosmic carbs, sending specially packaged bagels to the International Space Station, letting astronauts know that there's "shmear" in space for their favorite carb-loaded snack.
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2. Polish Bagel Beginnings

Once upon a time in the land of Pierogi and Polski: Bagels made their dashing debut in the form of "obwarzanek" in Poland, with their distinctively stylish hole-in-the-middle look inspired by the German word "bugel," meaning "bracelet." This fashion-forward design wasn't just for show, though; it proved to be quite practical as it allowed bakers to transport and sell these trendy treats with ease on sticks!
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3. Mystical Carb Circles

Who needs unicorns and fairy dust when you've got bagels to make the magic happen: In medieval Poland, these circular wonders were believed to hold mystical powers due to their round shape, symbolizing long life and good luck in childbirth, with a Krakow decree from 1610 even mandating they be gifted to women after giving birth for some circular sorcery.
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4. The Golden Bagel

If a breakfast of champions needed to be redefined, the Westin New York Hotel in Times Square might have just set the (gold) standard: Say hello to the $1,000 bagel, laden with truffle cream cheese, gold flakes, and a goji berry-infused Riesling jelly, with all proceeds going to the Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen.
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