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Sweet Surprises: Top 11 Fun Facts You Never Knew About Sugarcane!

illustration of sugarcane
Get ready to embark on a sweet journey as we unravel the delectable mysteries and surprising tales surrounding the incredible world of sugarcane!

1. Brazil's Ethanol Tango

In an ethanol-fueled tango where sugar shakes hands with gasoline, Brazil's cars put on quite the eco-friendly performance – with a twist! The serious reveal: As a direct result of the "Proálcool" National Alcohol Programme, 73% of Brazilian cars can run on a sugarcane-derived ethanol mix, reducing direct emissions by up to 90% when compared to traditional gasoline or diesel fuel.
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2. Sugarcane Surge in Brazil

Channeling their inner Quasimodo and swinging from sweet success, Brazil is hunchbacked with heaps of sugarcane to bellow about: In Marketing Year (MY) 2023/24, a 6.5 percent surge in sugarcane crop looms on the horizon, peaking at a glorious 661.4 million metric tons, thanks to Mother Nature's benevolence and skyrocketing sugar prices – which also sweetens the deal for sugar exports by an impressive 15 percent to 32.4 MMT, raw value, securing Brazil's lofty rank as the second-largest beneficiary of U.S. sugar tariff-rate quota.
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3. Rum's Exotic Dating Profile

If rum had a dating profile, it would say "Exotic island lover, with a sweet tooth and a mysterious past": Rum, made from sugarcane juice, molasses, or other by-products, traces its origins to 350 BC India where it was used medicinally, and became a Caribbean favorite in the 17th century due to the perfect sugarcane-growing conditions there.
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4. Panda Party Sustainable Tableware

Next time you host a panda party, don't stick to boring old plastic: Impress your furry guests with sustainable tableware crafted from sugarcane and bamboo! The serious side of this party trick: Scientists have developed eco-friendly and non-toxic tableware made from bagasse (sugarcane pulp) and bamboo that not only degrades in just 60 days but also emits 97% less CO2 compared to traditional plastic. These green tableware alternatives outshine other biodegradable options in terms of strength, grease resistance, and non-toxicity – all while helping our planet strut towards a sustainable future.
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India's Fantastical Sugarcane

5. India's Fantastical Sugarcane

Forget the Incredible Hulk; it's time to make way for the Fantastical Sugarcane: Suresh Kabade from Maharashtra, India, mastered some legendary farming techniques and managed to produce sugarcane that weighed a whopping 4 kg each, stretched over 20 ft long, and yielded up to 100 tonnes per acre – all by using the perfect combination of fertilizers, land preparation, and timely hydration.
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6. Super Sugarcane Health Powers

Who needs a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down when you've got Mary Poppins' secret weapon, sugarcane? : This versatile plant not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also harbors health-boosting antioxidants, reduces inflammation with its phenolic compounds, and secures a happy tummy because of its fiber content.
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7. Bat Brigades: Sugarcane Protectors

Who needs Batman when you have sugarcane-loving bat brigades on your side? These winged warriors of Swaziland are masters at cleaning up the insect menaces that threaten their sweet, sweet paradise: Researchers from the University of Copenhagen discovered that free-tailed bats not only thrive in sugarcane fields, but they also provide effective pest control. To support their continued heroic efforts and counteract habitat loss, bat houses can be built as alternative roosting sites, creating a win-win for both the bats and the sugarcane industry.
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8. Sugarcane's Eastern Origins

Sweet thrill of the East, sugarcane's epic journey to quench our sugar cravings began eons ago: Hailing from Southeast Asia, this tall, green and sweet wizard of a plant boasts a history of cultivation in China dating back to the 8th century AD.
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9. Sugarcane: The Original Tinder

Before Tinder, there was sugarcane: a seemingly ordinary plant that swiped right on world domination, sprouting up in different cultures with aliases ranging from 'sa-kar' in Tibet to 'Kanche' in China. Surprise: Sugarcane, believed to have originated in South Pacific islands, played a crucial role in shaping human history, as ancient tribes thought that humans came from two sugar cane buds. Later, it reached Europe where it was grown in Sicily and Spain, kickstarting the golden age of sugar. Even Christopher Columbus was so smitten by this swiping sensation that he brought its roots to the New World in 1493, leading to the first sugarcane field being cultivated in 1501.
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Sneakers Go Sugarcane Chic

10. Sneakers Go Sugarcane Chic

Who needs a glass slipper when you can slip into sugarcane sneakers: Brands like Allbirds, Timberland, and UGG are crafting shoe soles and clothing from sugarcane, with Picture even launching the first ski jacket made from sugarcane waste fibers, ushering in a new era of sweet, sustainable fashion.
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11. Hawaii's Sugarcoated History

Say "aloha" to Hawaii's sugarcoated past: The last sugar mill in the Aloha State, Puunene mill on Maui, closed its sweet gates in December 2016, leaving sugarcane production a relic replaced by tourism due to increased labor costs and international competition.
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