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Harvesting Amazement: Top 6 Fun Facts About Nebraska Agriculture You Won't Believe!

illustration of nebraska-agriculture
Get ready to be a-maize-d as we delve into the fascinating world of Nebraska agriculture with these fun facts that'll surely cultivate your curiosity!

1. Popcorn Paradise

In a kernel of truth that might just have you reaching for the movie theater butter, Nebraska is poppin' with pride as it plays quite the corny role in America's dietary habits: The "Golden Triangle" region of the state is the #1 producer of popcorn in the U.S., annually churning out about 300 million pounds on 67,000 acres, as well as being a top producer of white corn used for corn chips and tortillas.
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2. Wildlife Soiree

Who let the dogs out: Nebraska's National Forest is taking part in a unique wildlife soiree, hosting endangered show-stoppers like black-footed ferrets, swift foxes, and ferruginous hawks! Neb-rrrr-aska is the only Forest Service unit actively involved in the black-footed ferret recovery program, managing prairie dog shindigs to keep private land values in check while ensuring fancy footwork for keystone species like prairie grouse. The modest yet exclusive prairie woodlands, making up only 2-5% of the vegetation, roll out the red carpet for wildlife habitats, with restoration and enhancement work prancing its way through grazing management strategies. Wetlands don't miss the party either, being managed for both livestock and wildlife, and getting all decked out as warm-water fisheries.
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3. Sweet Sugar Beets

Hey sugar, looking for some sweet talk? Get ready to beet-down on some indulgent facts: Nebraska farmers cultivate a whopping 1.3 million tons of sugar beets, across 50,000 acres, contributing over $165 million to the economy and making your favorite Walmart's Great Value sugar just as sweetly Nebraskan as corn!
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4. Farmer's Soul Cake

You know you're in Nebraska when your cake secretly has the soul of a farmer: Conagra Brands, the company behind the Duncan Hines brand of cake mixes and other popular foods, started as a modest flour mill back in 1919, even dabbling in the livestock feed biz, ultimately earning itself the title of the third largest flour miller in the U.S. What began as Nebraska Consolidated Mills in Grand Island, Nebraska is now a powerhouse of flavors like Hunt's, Healthy Choice, and Orville Redenbacher's.
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Center Pivot Loop-de-loop

5. Center Pivot Loop-de-loop

Here's a juicy tidbit for those who like to stay in the loop: Nebraska has over 80,000 center pivot irrigation systems, covering a whopping 8.3 million acres – that's nearly 15% of all irrigated land in the US! These high-tech crop quenchers could still use a dash of scientific scheduling to perfect their watering ways, potentially leading to fresher resources and happier fields.
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6. Buffett's Corn-y Investments

Holy Corn-ucopia, Batman! It turns out the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett, has sunk his kernels deep into the fertile soil of his homeland: Nebraska's agriculture industry reaps a bountiful harvest, as the state ranks high in the production of crops such as corn and soybeans, with Berkshire Hathaway sprinkling its green-thumb investments throughout.
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