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Sweet Secrets: Discover the Top 8 Fun Facts About Sugar Cookies You Never Knew!

illustration of sugar-cookies
Get ready to sweeten your day with these scrumptious, crumbly tidbits of trivia – you're about to discover fun facts about sugar cookies that'll have you craving for more!

1. Medieval Cookie Makeover

Before the Cookie Monster could say "Me want cookie!", sugar cookies went by a smorgasbord of funky monikers fit for a medieval sitcom: Feast your eyes on the gemmells, crybabies, gimbletts, cimbellines, jumbles, and plunketts! These humble ancestors of our beloved sugar cookies were as dry as a desert mirage and scarcely a tastebud-tingling treat: The transformation of these erstwhile ornaments into the scrumptious holiday favorites we know today hinged upon a buttery makeover and the sweet departure of caraway seeds from the recipe.
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2. The Royal Sugar Cookie Roots

Sugar cookies: a medieval guilty pleasure that's been sweetening up our lives like a dessert-based alchemist! These buttery delights have melted hearts and tastebuds alike since their humble beginnings in a time when sugar was the gold standard in commodities – back when royalty ordered them by the royal dozen: These coveted treats trace their origins to the Middle Ages when only the wealthiest could enjoy sugar-laden desserts, eventually becoming accessible to all with the spread of sugar production, retaining their status as a timeless favorite with a soft, chewy texture and delicious flavor.
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3. Circle Cookie Cutter Magic

In a world where round objects roll, doughnuts have holes, and the Earth revolves around the sun, behold: the cookie connoisseur's unsung hero – circle cookie cutters! Oh, the culinary delight of geometrical pastry perfection! The hilarious prelude: let us gather 'round to celebrate these glorious cookie cutters as they unlock a treasure trove of edible art, sports balls meet Masterpiece Theater, turning emojis into real-life munchies, and transforming sugar into smiles with the flick of a wrist. Serious reveal: the circle cookie cutter remains one of the most versatile and creative tools when making sugar cookies, with endless design possibilities limited only by the whims of your wild imagination.
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4. Runway Models of the Cookie World

Ever heard the saying “bake me some sugar cookies, baby!”? Well, if you haven't, it's probably because we just made it up: sugar cookies are perfect for decorating thanks to their steadfast shape-holding abilities and willingness to don royal icing, with piping-consistency for outlines and flooding-consistency for a ravishing coat, making them the runway models of the cookie world.
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Bubbly Secret and Brandy Twist

5. Bubbly Secret and Brandy Twist

Sugar cookies might seem like the plain Jane of the cookie world, but they've got a bubbly secret and a brandy twist hidden in their past: The real magic behind sugar cookies lies in the use of either baking powder or baking soda, lending them that signature taste and texture, while early versions oftentimes included a dash of brandy for some extra moist decadence!
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6. Alaskan Sugar Cookie Craze

Don't let those iced-over frosty personalities deceive you – even Alaskans can't resist these sweet little holiday temptations! America's northernmost state finds itself melting for these divinely delicious delights, joining the rest of the country in their adoration: Sugar cookies rank as one of the most popular holiday cookies in the United States and even reached the pinnacle of cookie craving in Alaska, as evidenced by Google Trends reports that also tout gingerbread and peanut butter blossoms as fellow fan favorites.
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7. Babe Ruth's Cookie Connection

Before Babe Ruth was knocking it out of the park and onto unsuspecting passerby's windshields, he was swinging for Sugar Cookie City, baby: The iconic slugger became the first celebrity to endorse and promote Girl Scout Cookies during the 1924 World Series, giving these treats a home run straight into the hearts and bellies of the nation.
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8. Pimp Your Sugar Cookie Dough

Bored of the same old sugar cookie shuffle? Give your dough a little TLC – that's Tender Loving Customization: Reinvent your refrigerated sugar cookie dough by adding in gourmet ingredients like nuts, citrus zest, toffee bits, or spices to create mouthwatering new flavors. Go tropical with shredded coconut, dried pineapples, and macadamia nuts or whip up speedy oatmeal cookies with quick oats, raisins, chopped walnuts, and cinnamon.
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