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Discover the Juicy Secrets: Top 8 Fun Facts About Plums You Never Knew!

illustration of plums
Get ready to be plum-tastic as you dive into the succulent world of plums, uncovering all the juicy tidbits and fascinating morsels surrounding these delicious stone fruits!

1. Plum Fingerprints

Plum detectives might be the next big crime-solving trend, dusting for fingerprints in the juiciest of mysteries: Plum seeds actually possess unique patterns, sizes, and shapes specific to each variety, similar to human fingerprints. This fascinating fact was even employed to identify the varieties of plums found on the sunken Mary Rose ship from 1545, now residing at the National Fruit Collection in the UK, boasting an impressive 340 varieties of these fingerprinted fruits.
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2. Osteoporosis Busters

Plums and prunes, or as we like to call them, "the osteoporosis busters": Regular consumption of these fruity superheroes is packed with antioxidants and nutrients such as vitamin K, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium – essential ingredients for strong, healthy bones – thus reducing the risk of life-crunching bone conditions like osteoporosis and osteopenia.
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3. Chewy Ninja Prunes

Behold the unassuming prune, nature's very own chewy osteoporosis-fighting ninja: Studies reveal that munching on just 5-6 of these tasty little warriors, equivalent to 50 g, daily has the potential to keep your bones robust and even mend them, thanks to their wealth of vitamin K and potassium goodness.
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4. Plum Pudding Conspiracy

Plum-tastic irony: when our beloved plum pudding plays a sly game of culinary hide-and-seek, making us believe that plums are the star of the show, when in reality, they are just one among a band of fruity compadres! Hiding behind that scrumptious façade are raisins, sultanas, currants, prunes, and dried apricots, all concocting a rich and delectable conspiracy. The serious reveal: the term "plum" has been historically used to describe any dried fruit mixture, not just our juicy purple friends.
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Captain Plumtastic

5. Captain Plumtastic

If a plum-wielding superhero were to arise and save the world, they'd probably call them "Captain Plumtastic" and guess what? China would be their fruitful birthplace: As the world's largest producer of plums, China, followed by Romania, Serbia, and the United States, make quite the plum-perfect team. The United States alone churns out a whopping 368,206 tons of plums each year, ensuring Captain Plumtastic never runs out of ammunition!
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6. Bone-afide Prune Pick-Me-Up

Feeling a bit "plumb" and need a bone-afide pick-me-up? Look no further than the seemingly inconspicuous prune: as it turns out, these dried plums possess the potential to prevent and even reverse bone loss in postmenopausal women, thanks to their cocktail of healthful compounds like dietary fiber, vitamin K, boron, and a fruit salad of (poly)phenolic compounds. Who knew that avoiding fragile fractures could wear such an almighty smooth skin!
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7. Plum Blossom Spies

In Japan, plum blossoms have a pretty "plum" job – they moonlight as spies for springtime, just hanging around and eavesdropping on winter's last gasps: Meticulously disguised as delicate flowers, these fruity sleuths withstand the cold to report back on spring's highly anticipated arrival, earning them a reputation as nature's own symbol of resilience, endurance, and good health.
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8. Green Plum Envy

Did you hear about the plum that turned green with envy? It turns out, it was just a case of mistaken fruitentity: Green plums are, in fact, not plums at all, but a separate species known as greengage plums, boasting a delightful honey-sweet flavor.
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