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Delightfully Sweet: Top 12 Fun Facts About Marshmallows You'll Adore!

illustration of marshmallows
Dive into the fluffy, sweet world of marshmallows as we unravel some delightfully surprising fun facts that will leave you craving for more!

1. Marshmallow Royalty in Ancient Egypt

Who needs Egyptian cotton when you can have a marshmallow throne instead? That's right - the ancient world's version of a VIP room had marshmallows on the guest list: Back in ancient Egypt, marshmallows were exclusively enjoyed by the rich and elite, crafted from the sap of the mallow plant. Flash forward to today, and Americans are now the reigning marshmallow kings, gobbling down a whopping 90 million pounds each year, with the sweet peak happening between October and December.
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2. Marshmallow Plant's Ancient Healing Powers

Before marshmallows were known for transforming campfires into gooey nirvana, the ancient Greeks fought off sore throats and bad coughs with their underrated plant cousins: Enter Althaea officinalis, the humble marshmallow plant, which has been soothing mucus membranes for more than 2000 years! Thanks to a gummy substance called mucilage, the plant saw its biggest glow-up in the 1800s when the French started whipping its sap with egg whites and sugar, ultimately leading to the puffed, pillowy confections we all know and love. Alas, these days our go-to s'more ingredient contains gelatin instead of plant sap, but let's raise a toasty marshmallow to the history of this versatile, delectable treat!
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3. Marshmallow Mathematics of Happiness

Whoever said "there's no formula for happiness" clearly didn't have a grasp on marshmallow mathematics: In 1948, Alex Doumak patented the extrusion process that ultimately changed the marshmallow game, and now Americans devour more than 90 million pounds of these delightful treats annually! The puffy confections reach peak consumption during October and December, with the charming town of Ligonier, Indiana claiming the title of "Marshmallow Capital of the World." As if that weren't enough to make you crave a s'more, over 50% of marshmallows sold in the summer are bound to meet their fiery, toasted fate around a cozy campfire.
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4. Marshmallow Glow-Up in 1948

Who would've thought: the sweet, pillowy confections we love to roast, stuff in our mouth, and even wage gooey wars against each other with, had a major glow-up in 1948! Thanks to the genius marshmallow maestro Alex Doumak, son of the founder of Doumak, Inc., marshmallows went from being exclusive treats to fluffy favorites of the masses: This marshmallow whiz kid invented the extrusion process that catapulted these humble sweets to the puffy clouds of confectionery heaven Doumak is now known as 'The Marshmallow Company', ensuring these delightful morsels remain at the top of the squishiness game and never lose their bounce!
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Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man: Gooey Doom

5. Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man: Gooey Doom

Who you gonna call when your marshmallow mascot goes rogue? Ghostbusters, of course! In a classic twist of the law of "be careful what you wish for," it turns out that the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man isn't just a fluffy, delectable treat, but a gooey serving of doom: Originally conceived as the monstrous manifestation of Gozer, an apocalyptic Sumerian deity, Stay-Puft debuted in the 1984 Ghostbusters movie, demonstrating the sinister side of all things sweet and innocent. Fear not, however, as Stay-Puft eventually redeems himself in The Real Ghostbusters animated series, joining forces with Slimer and the gang.
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6. Rocket Launch Marshmallow Fuel

Feeling a little spacey and craving something sweet? Time to blast off into a confectionary cosmos with a fluffy marshmallow revelation: Contrary to popular belief, these gooey treats were once a critical component in the early days of rocket launch fuel, as their gelatin content provided essential stabilization during lift-off, ultimately paving the way for Apollo 11's moon landing and the subsequent celebration marked by celestial Moon Pie Cupcakes from Sprinkles.
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7. Ancient Art of Marshmallow Mouth

Once considered the cherished pastime of pudgy-cheeked cherubs and marshmallow aficionados alike, the ancient art of Marshmallow Mouth has delighted humankind through many firelit gatherings with the sweet, pillowy embrace of spongy shenanigans: It's a fun game, usually played in groups, where participants stuff a small, harmless quantity (4-6) of marshmallows into their mouths and attempt to relay phrases or words to their eager teammates, all without chewing or spitting out their fluffy phrasesmiths, thus embarking on a marvelous, mirthful, and mildly marshmallow-muted journey.
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8. Global S'mores Day Desserts

When life gives you mallows, make s'moreanges: marshmallows actually grace not only the classic graham crackers and chocolate, but diverse dessert creations such as mouthwatering strawberry s'more cupcakes and alluring peanut butter s'more pies, making National S'mores Day a delicious global extravaganza!
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9. Marshmallow Bee Art

When life hands you marshmallows, make art! Or at least, let your inner Picasso indulge in some fluffy, sugary stamp-making escapades: Marshmallows dipped in yellow paint can be transformed into bee stamps for a whimsical touch on your crafts, and once dry, simply add black details like eyes, wings, and antennae with a Sharpie to complete your masterpiece.
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Rise of the Peeps Marshmallow Phenomenon

10. Rise of the Peeps Marshmallow Phenomenon

Can you feel the marshmallow revolution upon us? It’s a Peep-ocalypse of fluffy goodness: The Peeps marshmallow phenomenon, created by Just Born candy company in the 1950s, was born from Sam and Bob Born's ingenious machine that transformed the lengthy 27-hour handmade marshmallow production to a mere six minutes, leading to an array of colorful, seasonal marshmallow treats for everyone to enjoy!
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11. Marshmallow Catfish Bait

Whoever said laughter is the best bait apparently never went catfishing with marshmallows: these fluffy, sugar-filled pillows work wonders in luring unsuspecting catfish by floating on water surfaces and absorbing various scents that attract these whiskered swimmers.
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12. Rocky Road Ice Cream's Depression-Era Origins

When life gives you rocky roads, make ice cream – or so must have thought our confectionery wizard William Dreyer, who in a stroke of sheer delicious genius, decided one fateful day to conjure a spell of marshmallows and walnuts, forever changing the world of frozen treats: And so, during the gloomy days of the Great Depression, the beloved Rocky Road ice cream was born, concocted with chocolate ice cream, scrumptious walnuts (later replaced by almonds), and gooey marshmallows, giving people one sweet reason to smile amid the chaos.
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