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Discover the Sweet Side of Paris: Top 12 Fun Facts About Macarons You Never Knew!

illustration of macarons
Get ready to satisfy your sweet tooth as we whisk you away into the delightful world of colorful, delectable macarons, with a sprinkle of fascinating trivia on top!

1. Italian Romance

You might say the quintessential French dessert bears the sweet kiss of an Italian romance: macarons actually hail from Italy, originally crafted with almond flour, egg whites, and sugar during the Renaissance period. It wasn't until Italian noblewoman Catherine de Medici married King Henry II of France and brought her skilled pastry chefs along, that these delightful confections found their way into the hearts (and tummies) of the French nobility, paving the path to their buttercream-filled future in the hands of an early 20th-century French patissier.
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2. Diva Macarons

When macaron shells behave like divas, refusing to cooperate and cracking under pressure, one must cater to their "baking room" demands! Ensure they sing like angels - unblemished and harmonious: An oven thermometer can help find your oven’s sweet spot by testing small batches at different temperatures. Rest time also plays an important role in achieving a strong, sturdy shell. Humid environments may be more challenging, but a fan on low speed or a dehumidifier can save the day and bring about that desired, matte skin.
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3. Sister Act

Not your average sister act: Monks originally stirred up tasty macarons in 8th-century Cormery, but it took two funds-hungry nuns in the 18th century to whip up a frenzy for these delicate treats now known for their smooth tops, rough edges, and lip-smacking centers of buttercream, jam, or ganache.
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4. Heavenly Origins

Imagine this: a cluster of French monks baking dainty delights, the air filled with the scent of sweet almond and whispered prayers. Alright, maybe that's not historically accurate, but it does paint a heavenly picture of macarons: The first mention of these delectable desserts dates back to the 17th century in France, debunking the popular myth of monk-made 8th-century macarons. Over time, macarons have evolved into a French patisserie staple with tantalizing variations appreciated by dessert enthusiasts worldwide.
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Catherine's Conquest

5. Catherine's Conquest

Lend me your ears, for Catherine de' Medici is about to spill the tea... with macarons: This Italian queen swiftly conquered French taste buds in the 16th century by importing her personal pastry chefs and introducing the scrumptious French delicacy known as macarons.
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6. Mixologist Magic

Macaron mixologists, prepare to be mind-blown: The secret to avoiding those soul-crushing hollow macaron shells is to mix and deflate the batter just right using a silicone spatula, swirling around the edges and the center, then smushing the batter against the bowl's sides before piping it onto a baking sheet – Voila! Say hello to perfectly smooth, delectably-filled macarons!
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7. Calorie Punch

Beware the deceptively dainty macaron: a tiny treat with a calorie-packed punch rivaling even the most formidable cupcake. The weapon of choice for dieters left defenseless against sugary temptation: one macaron can pack anywhere between 25 to 110 calories! This makes it essential to monitor your macaron-munching and enjoy these tantalizingly tasty treats in moderation.
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8. Gluten-Free Miracle

Gluten-free but oh-so-yummy: did you know that French macarons are like a little baking miracle sent from the heavens above? They're made from a divine meringue-based concoction – a holy trinity of egg whites, sugar, and almond flour – resulting in a serendipitously gluten-free sweet indulgence. And guess what? With a trusty food scale by your side and the blessing of a step-by-step guiding recipe, you too can channel your inner patisserie chef and churn out these celestial delights right in your humble abode!
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9. Party at Macaron Boutique

It's always a party at Macaron Boutique, where blue cheese tangos with pistachio and Kalamata tapenade dances on your tastebuds: Located at 45 John St, this quirky shop offers unique macaron flavors alongside a buche de noel made with chocolate creme, black truffles, foie gras, and sponge cake with piment d'espelette, adding a savory spin to the classic sweet treat.
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Flavor Wheel

10. Flavor Wheel

Feeling stuffed to the gills with the same old macaron fillings? Cure that sweet-tooth boredom with a round of delectable déjà brew: You can now fill your macarons with more than just ganache, buttercream, or fruit jelly; from decadent cream cheese concoctions to zesty curds, jammy delights, and ooey-gooey caramel, the macaron flavor wheel is no longer at a gut(full)tural standstill!
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11. Sugar and Surprise

Much like a box of chocolates, macarons ensure that life is like a dance between sugar and surprise: these dainty delights come filled with not just your run-of-the-mill buttercream or ganache, but also titillate taste buds with eccentric fillings such as matcha green tea, lavender, and even – hold onto your berets – foie gras!
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12. Macaron vs. Macaroon

When life gives you almonds and coconuts, you make macarons and macaroons: Macarons are delicate meringue-based cookies made with almonds and colorful fillings, while macaroons are dense coconut-based treats - a delightful case of mix-ups in the kitchen that resulted in two deliciously different cookies. Who knew Catherine di Medici's introduction of macarons to France in the 1500s and the Italian Passover origins of macaroons would create sibling-rivalry in the pastry world?
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