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7 Surprising and Delightful Tea Facts to Quench Your Curiosity

illustration of tea
Get ready to steep your curiosity as we spill the tea on some intriguing and delightful fun facts about this beloved beverage!

1. Tea-ttered Stress Busters

Feeling a bit "tea-ttered" and on the verge of spilling your emotions? Fear not, dear drinker, for each cup of tea you sip comes to your rescue with an unassuming superpower: Tea is packed with L-theanine, a calming amino acid that combats stress and anxiety by beating glutamate to receptors in the brain. So go ahead, pour yourself another cup and bask in those peaceful tea-laxed vibes!
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2. Accidental Tea Bag Invention

In a classic case of "bag it and tag it": Tea merchant Thomas Sullivan accidentally invented tea bags in the early 20th century when he sent his customers samples in small silk bags, which they assumed were meant to be steeped directly in hot water. This led to the development of the now-iconic tea bags made of gauze, paper, and a string with a decorated tag, which eventually came to dominate 96% of the British tea market by 2007 despite initial skepticism and World War Two material shortages.
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3. Japan's Tea Obsession Origins

Ever wonder why Japan is so steeped in tea culture? Here's to spilling the tea on that mystery: Japanese Buddhist monks, fresh from their study sesh in China, brought the humble leaf back home, leading to the refined art of the Tea Ceremony, and a whole new level of tea obsession inspired by the centuries-old Ch'a Ching, the world's first-ever tea party manual.
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4. The Sugar-Slaying Chinese Blackberry Tea

Sugar and spice and everything nice? More like sugar's got some serious competition from the tea side of life: Chinese Blackberry Tea, specifically Rubus Suavissimus S. Lee, contains a natural sweetener called Rubusoside, which is 250 times sweeter than granulated sugar and low in calories - perfect for all your healthy indulgences while putting boring old sugar in its rightful place, the back of the cupboard.
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Tea-riffic Word History

5. Tea-riffic Word History

When it comes to tea, variety is the spice of life: but did you know that even the word "tea" has a delightful backstory filled with linguistic jumbles and botanical hide-and-seek? That's right, tea can teach us that sometimes you have to shed your leaf to find your true flavor: originating in the mid-Tang dynasty, the Chinese word for tea was created by modifying the character 荼 (tu) meaning "bitter vegetable" and is likely rooted in an archaic Austro-Asiatic word *la, meaning "leaf." The different Chinese regional pronunciations, like "cha" and "teh," have influenced the various global adaptations of the word, making "tea" not just a delightful beverage but also a linchpin of linguistic diversity!
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6. Revolutionary Tea Troubles

Whoever said laughter is the best medicine clearly never had a good cup of tea: British officials once believed taxing tea was the solution to their problems in the American colonies, however, their actions only brewed tension and eventually led to the American Revolution. Not to be steeped in tyranny, colonists fervently protested by smuggling in Dutch tea and even throwing a rebellious tea party in Boston Harbor, where they dumped 90,000 pounds of British East India Company tea, confirming that even in the 18th century, not everyone was a fan of "spilling the tea."
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7. Antioxidant Power in Every Sip

Feeling a bit "tea-pid" today? Well steep back and let this brew-tiful elixir work its magic: tea is chock full of polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that help protect cells from damage, reduce inflammation, and improve blood flow. Drink it regularly for a cupful of health-boosting goodness, courtesy of green and black tea's high levels of polyphenols.
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