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9 Tantalizing Boba Fun Facts That Will Blow Your Mind: Bubble Tea Secrets Unveiled

illustration of boba
Get ready to sip on some fascinating tidbits as we dive into the delightful world of boba!

1. Big Pearls, Big Laughs

Ready to "pearl" up with laughter? Here's a bubble-licious truth bomb for all you tapioca tea enthusiasts: "Boba" actually translates to "big pearls" in Chinese, referring to those chewy, delightful spheres we all love to slurp up!
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2. Shaken Since the 1940s

Tea-riffically shaking things up since the 1940s: Boba, originally known as foam tea, was created in Taiwan by mixologist Chang Fan Shu and later evolved in the 1980s with the addition of chewy tapioca balls, thanks to artist and entrepreneur Tu Tsong He.
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3. Big Pearl Energy

If boba were a person, we'd say it has "big pearl energy": The name "boba" actually comes from a Mandarin word meaning "big" or "large," referring to the 6mm diameter tapioca pearls used in this trendy Taiwanese drink, derived from the cassava root and steeped in traditional ingredients and techniques.
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4. Boba's Expiration Surprise

Don't let your boba "pearl"-ish away like Cinderella's carriage at midnight, for these delightful treats have expiration dates that might surprise you: Uncooked boba pearls can last up to 4 days in the pantry, 5 days in the fridge, and a whopping 6 months in the freezer, so store them wisely and enjoy the chewy goodness before time turns them into sadness-balloons!
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Chew-boba's Milky Elixir

5. Chew-boba's Milky Elixir

In a land far, far away where Chew-boba Fat slurped on a galaxy of tapioca pearls, the world was introduced to a milky elixir that quenched the thirst of Jedi and Sith alike: Bubble tea, or boba tea, was created in the 1980s in Taiwan by a tea store owner named Liu Han-Chieh, who first served cold tea. The addition of those peculiar "pearls" took place in 1988, when Lin Hsiu Hui, a product development manager, united sweetened tapioca pudding with tea – a union that eventually won the hearts of millions across the universe.
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6. Inky Boba Mystery

Don't ink the blame on brown sugar: Black boba pearls actually owe their fetching shade to a mix of tapioca and natural food coloring, like squid ink, giving your bubble tea an authentic, aquatic twist without a hint of artificial nonsense.
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7. Magical Boba Brew

Bubble, bubble, toil and tea-rouble: boba wizards concoct a magical brew of black, green, or oolong tea, which they charm with milk, sweeten with spells and summoning tapioca balls to create the enchanting elixir that is bubble tea.
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8. Bubble Tea's Rising Empire

From zero to hero, bubble tea style: Rising like a phoenix made of tapioca balls, the humble Taiwanese concoction of bliss known as bubble tea went from being a local 1980s delicacy to a booming global industry that's projected to reach the tea-rrific heights of $4.3 billion by 2027, even infiltrating esteemed emoji ranks in 2020.
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9. Chameleon Boba

Boba tea is like the chameleon of the beverage world, disguising itself in countless flavors and camouflaging honey in its very core to keep its vegan foes at bay: This versatile delight originated in Taiwan in the 1980s, blending tea, sweeteners, and tapioca pearls into a customizable concoction with variations that include fruits, milk, and even vegan-friendly substitutes for those persistent plant-based pursuers.
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