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Cheers to Knowledge: Top 8 Unbelievable Fun Facts About Beer You Never Knew!

illustration of beer
Dive into the world of hoppy happiness with mind-bubbling fun facts about beer that'll surely quench your thirst for knowledge!

1. Monk Beer Festivities

Talk about getting in the "spirit" of things: Monks in the Middle Ages brewed and consumed copious amounts of beer, some making up to 300,000 liters a year, to keep their bellies full during Lent when food was scarce, ultimately enjoying a heavenly 5 liters of beer per day!
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2. Cenosillicaphobia: Fear of an Empty Glass

Feeling a bit glass-half-empty? You might be experiencing the nectar-loving nightmare of Cenosillicaphobia, a not-quite-clinical term that plagues the minds and taps of beer enthusiasts everywhere: Derived from the gallows humor of brew devotees, Cenosillicaphobia tongue-in-cheekily refers to the fear of an empty beer glass, inspiring an eclectic range of craft beer trials and even Amazon-bought wall signs to chase away those lager low-points.
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3. Egyptian Pyramid Beer Payments

We bet ancient Egyptians never missed leg day at the "Pyramid Gym": Beer was actually used as payment for workers constructing the pyramids, and they even received three servings a day as part of their rations. Considered to be the drink of the gods, beer was also a potent medicine, being included in almost 100 Egyptian drugs and believed to strengthen the body while being a valuable source of nutrition.
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4. Baltic Sea's 170-Year-Old Beers

Who says booze and the deep sea don't mix? The Baltic Sea respectfully disagrees: Scientists recently uncovered two bottles of beer from a 170-year-old shipwreck, discovering that despite some off-putting flavors caused by years of bacterial mingling, the concoctions bore a striking resemblance to their modern-day counterparts. So, bottoms up to the OG of pale ales!
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FDR: A Beer-Loving President

5. FDR: A Beer-Loving President

Who said politics and alcohol don't mix? FDR sure knew how to toast to success: Franklin Delano Roosevelt won the presidency with a pledge to legalize beer, and in 1933, he signed the 21st Amendment, leading to the resurgence of the brewing industry and ultimately shaping the craft beer scene in America. Cheers to liquid democracy!
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6. Icelandic Brewdini's Pure Beers

Who needs Houdini when you've got a German Brewdini in Iceland? That's right – we're talking about none other than the magical brewmaster, Philipp Ewers, who concocts delectable beers with an enchantingly pure touch: Steðji Brewery, nestled in the Icelandic countryside, is known far and wide for using some of the cleanest, purest spring water on Earth in their delicious brews, ensuring that their beers leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle the world or maybe just another pint.
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7. "Strange Brew" Mind Control Plot

Before the Illuminati and mind-controlling frogs, there was a devious, hop-fueled scheme worthy of a Hollywood comedy: In the 1983 Canadian film "Strange Brew", the evil Brewmeister Smith, played by Max von Sydow, plots world domination by adding mind control drugs to Elsinore beer – an idea so bonkers, it would drive anyone to madness!
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8. World's Largest Six-Pack in Wisconsin

Feeling thirsty for the ultimate beer marathon? Head to La Crosse, Wisconsin, where you can find the world's most gigantic pub crawl companion that's been quenching the townsfolk for years: towering at 54 feet tall, the city is home to the world's largest six-pack, storage tanks that can hold over 7 million twelve-ounce cans of beer, enough to provide one person a six-pack a day for 3,351 years!
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