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Discover the Unexpected: Top 7 Fun Facts About E.B. White That Will Surprise and Delight You!

illustration of ebwhite
Dive into the whimsical world of E.B. White and discover the intriguing tidbits that color the life and legacy of this beloved author.

1. Spider Researcher Extraordinaire

While E.B. White may have been Jon Snow when it came to spiders – knowing nothing – he certainly learned to weave his own tangled literary web with the patience of a *very* observant arachnid: The author of "Charlotte's Web" spent years studying spider behavior before writing the novel and even had his own childhood pet pig named Wilbur, often choosing the company of animals over humans.
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2. Model T Modifier

Like a moth drawn to the flame of Ford's assembly line, E.B. White couldn't resist jazzing up his Model T with the latest paraphernalia: Our famed writer was a devoted Ford Model T enthusiast, outfitting his beloved vehicle with anti-rattlers, hood silencers, and rear-view mirrors, even penning a heartfelt tribute to the classic car.
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3. Style Guide Reviver

In a twist worthy of a reclusive writer stumbling upon the key to fresh ink: E. B. White didn't personally pen the iconic "Strunk & White" style guide, but rather, he breathed new life into William Strunk Jr.'s 1918 gem, "The Elements of Style", by extensively revising and expanding it for a 1959 re-release by Macmillan, etching his name into literary history.
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4. Apple Enthusiast

If you ever thought Snow White was the apple of E.B. White's eye, think again: this literary giant was more concerned with the humble fruit itself, authoring a book that delved into the juicy details of pollination and the myriad apple varieties from around the globe.
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Pulitzer Prize Matcher

5. Pulitzer Prize Matcher

If E.B. White had swiped left on Tinder, he would've probably matched himself with a Pulitzer Prize: this versatile wordsmith not only authored timeless children's classics but also won a prestigious literary award in 1978 for his adult novel "The Second Tree from the Corner".
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6. Canine Columnist

When E.B. White wasn't spinning Charlotte's web or guiding his son through the trumpet-playing travails of a swan, he was engrossed in an "All Dogs Go to Heaven" situation, sans the animated musical: This gifted wordsmith not only had a soft spot for man's best friend, but even penned a New Yorker column, "Bedfellows," about his daily life with his cherished canine companions, as well as basing his children's book "The Story of a Dachshund" on his beloved Fred.
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7. Charlotte's Barn Tour

When Wilbur met Zuckerman's famous pig: If you've ever wanted to frolic in the barnyard with the original web-slinging heroine, Charlotte, or swing on the very rope Fern did in E.B. White's classic tale, it's now possible: The Maine property that inspired Charlotte's Web, including the barn where the story's events unfolded, is now open for tours, thanks to the Gallant family who have owned it for over 30 years and even kept the iconic milking stool and swing intact.
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