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Discover the Green Side: Top 11 Engaging Fun Facts About the Green Party You Didn't Know!

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Get ready to go green with these fascinating tidbits about the Earth-loving, eco-conscious Green Party!

1. Eco-Social Family Reunion

Like a family dinner where the in-laws finally meet, the Green Party of the United States came together after a series of introductions courtesy of its German, British, Australian, and New Zealand cousins: The U.S. Green Party began its eco-social family reunion in 1984 with the Maine Green Party, took their sweet time exchanging pleasantries and discussing their shared values, finally culminating in the establishment of a national Green Party covering environmental protection, social justice, and more.
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2. Weekend at Carolines: More Parties, Fewer Workdays

Say hello to "Weekend at Carolines": More parties, fewer workdays! Caroline Lucas, the Green Party's leader, champions a four-day working week – without a pay cut – to boost mental health and work-life balance, especially post-pandemic with remote work situations blurring the lines between work hours and leisure time.
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3. No-Corporate Money-Back Guarantee

Does the Green Party come with a "no-corporate money-back guarantee"? You betcha: Unlike the competitive world of As-Seen-On-TV products, the Green Party steers clear of the meddling grip of for-profit corporations or organizations, instead banking on good ol' grassroots donations from individuals to keep their eco-chic political endeavors afloat.
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4. Green Party's Home Improvement Solutions

Pop on your overalls and get ready to raise the roof as the Green Party takes its own spin on a home improvement show: they've proposed solutions for California's housing crisis that include tenant rights protection, empowering cities with affordable housing ordinances, and funding to build more publicly-owned affordable homes.
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The Incredible Petra Kelly, Real-Life Superhero

5. The Incredible Petra Kelly, Real-Life Superhero

Who needs comic book superheroes when you have "The Incredible Petra Kelly": a real-life crusader for peace, feminism, and the environment, armed with the mighty powers of Gandhian nonviolence and a penchant for civil disobedience! Seriously though: Petra Kelly was a founder of the German Green Party who advocated for disarmament, nuclear-free zones, nonviolence, feminism, and human rights while fostering a culture of civil disobedience within her party, combining her political and spiritual beliefs in the fight for a peaceful, ecologically-savvy world.
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6. Jill Stein's High-Flying A+ for Marijuana Legalization

Breaking buds and winning hearts: In the 2016 United States presidential election, Green Party candidate Jill Stein scored a high-flying A+ rating from the Marijuana Policy Project's voter guide, leaving her Democratic and Republican rivals in a cloud of smoke when it came to her progressive stance on marijuana legalization.
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7. Germany or France: Who Wore it Greener?

In a classic game of "Germany or France: Who Wore It Greener?": The Green Party has become quite the trendsetter in European politics, boasting Germany as its largest fan base with 118 seats in the Bundestag, while the Greens/European Free Alliance strut down the French catwalk with 58 seats in the European Parliament.
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8. Jane Austen Meets Politics: Caroline Lucas, PhD

In an unexpected twist straight out of a Jane Austen novel, Caroline Lucas holds a PhD in English Literature and moonlights as a full-time political powerhouse: Not only is she the Member of Parliament for Brighton Pavilion and a former leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, but she also flexed her intellectual muscles as a Member of the European Parliament for the South East England Region from 1999 to 2010, tackling trade, energy, and the environment.
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9. Canadian Superheroine Elizabeth May

Like a cross between Mother Earth and Wonder Woman, say hello to Canadian superheroine Elizabeth May: the longest serving female leader of a federal party in Canada, racking up accolades like a United Nations recognition as one of the leading women environmentalists worldwide and the International Conservation Award from the Friends of Nature.
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Sweden's Magical Green Surprise

10. Sweden's Magical Green Surprise

Swedes were in for a smashing green surprise, as if the mighty Thor himself had planted magical seeds sprouting into political flora: The Green Party in Sweden emerged as the first new party to enter the parliament in 70 years, winning seats in the 1988 general election with 5.5 percent of the vote, largely due to their anti-nuclear power stance.
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11. Hugs, Not Drug Wars: A Greener Approach

Saying no to the war on drugs and yes to hugs: The Green Party advocates for ending the "war on drugs," implementing a step-by-step program to decriminalize all substances in the United States, and fully legalizing cannabis. They also seek to refocus efforts on research, education, counseling, and treatment for drug use, while granting amnesty to those incarcerated for non-violent drug offenses.
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