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Blazing Curiosities: Top 8 Fun Facts about Firefighters You Never Knew!

illustration of firefighters
Dive into the blazing world of firefighting and let us extinguish your curiosity with these sizzling fun facts about firefighters!

1. The Exterminator: NYC's First Fire Engine

Before the Batmobile ever roamed the streets of Gotham, there was "The Exterminator" chugging along with its steam-powered might: This fire engine turned self-propelled automobile was the first of its kind to hit the streets of New York City, serving for a few months before retiring to make way for more advanced vehicular advancements.
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2. Bucket Brigades: Colonial Firefighters

Before modern fire hydrants, firefighters relied on a tight-knit brigade who could've starred in a colonial rendition of "Bucket Chain: The Musical": Leather fire buckets, crafted by local leather artisans, were required in homes and businesses to control fires and could hold up to three gallons of water. Passed from person to person in bucket brigades, these fashionable fire extinguishers became obsolete with technological advancements but are now coveted for their historical folk art and insignia.
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3. Vigiles: Ancient Roman Firefighters

Did someone ring the dinner bell for ancient firefighters? Because here come the Vigiles, serving up safety and fighting fires like a classic Caesar salad – minus the romaine lettuce, of course: Remarkably, these Roman fire-fighting heroes were mostly freed slaves who could attain full citizenship after six years of valiant service. Today, the Vigiles still blaze a trail by supporting modern firefighter education and inspiring scholarships to keep the flame of knowledge alive.
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4. Ben Franklin: The Original Firefighter

Before Ben Franklin shocked the world with his kite-flying, lightning-catching antics, he made fire history by assembling a team hotter than his bifocals: Benjamin Franklin co-founded the Union Fire Company in 1736, the first formally organized all volunteer fire company in the colonies. Inspired by a fiery catastrophe in 1730, Franklin's Union Fire Company protected the entire community (unlike its Boston counterparts) and laid the groundwork for modern fire departments in Philadelphia. Fun fact: Franklin and his squad were more lit than the fires they fought!
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MARSHA: The Firefighting Robot

5. MARSHA: The Firefighting Robot

Forget about Baymax and Wall-E, there's a new fire-fighting robot in town, and she's a real MARSHA-l artist when it comes to hazard detection: Cleveland Fire Department has partnered with NASA to create MARSHA (Mobile and Remote Sensing Hazmat Activity), a robot that ventures into fires and hazards to gather crucial data on gases, fire origins, and smoke. Controlled via a "gaming-style" device and equipped with WiFi, MARSHA sends real-time data to a city tactical operations center and may soon become a nationwide fire-fighting companion for federal agencies like the FBI and Department of Homeland Security.
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6. Reflective Stripes: Firefighter Fashion

While firefighters' outfits might seem like they're accessorizing with the latest in haute reflector couture, there's a genuinely "lit" reason for those stripes: The fluorescent and retroreflective striping on their protective clothing plays a crucial role in their safety, enhancing visibility during both daytime and nighttime emergencies, and providing a unique solution for flame and heat hazard situations.
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7. Elevator Access: Firefighter Speakeasy

Imagine the hulk of a firefighter smoothly keying into an elevator like a password-protected speakeasy, but instead of a secret party, it's the ultimate high-stakes rescue mission: All new elevators must comply with Fire Fighters Emergency Operations requirements, including a provision for standardized fire service access keys, enabling firefighters to swiftly recall and manually control elevators during emergencies, as mandated by NFPA 1, Fire Code.
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8. Hidden Hazards: Beyond the Flames

When one thinks of a firefighter's hazards, the phrase "fighting fire with fire" may come to mind - but it's not just flames that flirt with our brave heroes: In reality, many of the over 63,000 injuries firefighters suffer each year result from their exposure to hazardous materials like asbestos and chemicals, as reported by the National Fire Protection Association. Nonetheless, they soldier on, making firefighting one of the most selfless and heroic professions in existence.
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