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Discover the Charm: Top 9 Unforgettable Fun Facts About Will Rogers You Never Knew!

illustration of will-rogers
Dive into the fascinating world of Will Rogers, America's favorite humorist, as we unravel some lesser-known, amusing tidbits about his life and legacy!

1. Will Rogers: Airborne Baggage

Before Uber Air was a twinkle in its app's eye, Will Rogers had his own personal airborne chauffeur service: The famous humorist often hitched rides on cross-country mail planes by booking himself as baggage, way before commercial flights were a thing! Alas, this love for aviation led to his untimely demise in 1935 when a devastating plane crash occurred during a daring expedition with one-eyed pilot Wiley Post to scope out a potential mail and passenger route between the United States and Eastern Europe.
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2. Wiley Post: One-eyed Aviator Legend

Who needs depth perception to make history, anyway? Pirating the skies like a one-eyed wonder, Wiley Post defied the odds and soared into the history books: Despite losing his left eye in a workplace accident, Post became a celebrated American aviator, achieving numerous aeronautical records before his untimely death alongside Will Rogers in 1935 – all while sporting an impressive collection of eyepatches.
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3. Rogers' Rodeo Triple-threat Performance

Before lassoing hearts with his wit, Will Rogers gave rodeos a triple-threat performance worthy of an equestrian blockbuster: He dazzled crowds with a signature three-rope trick, ensnaring a horse's head with one lariat, its rider's body with another, and, for the grand finale, grabbing the equine's hind legs with the third - but the actor James Whitmore, who wore Rogers' boots in his long-running one-man show, boasted no such mastery over the lasso.
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4. "Cherokee Kid" and Renaissance Cowboy

Before the cow jumped over the moon, Will Rogers was busy twirling ropes over cacti and juggling lassos: Known as the "Cherokee Kid," our Renaissance cowboy not only captivated the big screen, but dominated the Wild West, serving as Texas Jack's Wild West Circus' resident trick roper and even picking up cowboy tips on his family's ranch.
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Will Rogers: Laughter Doctor

5. Will Rogers: Laughter Doctor

They say laughter is the best medicine, and Will Rogers must have been quite the quack doctor: This humorous multi-hyphenate authored six books, contributed numerous articles to newspapers and magazines like the Saturday Evening Post, starred in over 70 films, and made audiences guffaw with his witty takes on politics and social issues.
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6. The Wright Kind of Guy: Aviation Advocate

You might say Will Rogers was the "Wright" kind of guy, always winging it with wit and charm: This celebrated actor and humorist didn't just get a kick out of performing, he was also a driving force in the world of aviation, taking his high-flying advocacy airborne and inspiring a generation of pilots and air travel enthusiasts.
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7. Will Rogers: Original Senate Comedian

If you think the U.S. Senate is a joke, Will Rogers may have been the original comedian: This sharp-witted humorist was known for mocking the qualifications of senators, saying all you needed to be one was to be 30 years old and not much else. Despite his tongue-in-cheek criticisms, Rogers was well-respected by the very politicians he ribbed, proving that there's a fine line between joking around and making a serious point.
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8. Political Party Humorist

Rolling on the floor laughing and hobnobbing with politicians, Will Rogers must have been the life of every party in early 20th-century America: This humorist extraordinaire delighted fans with his entertaining observations on politicians across the aisle in famous publications like The Daily Telegram and his weekly column, uncovering the hidden truths behind their motives and exposing the influence of money in politics – all wrapped up in good humor and wit that never waned through the ages.
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9. Explore the Will Rogers Birthplace Ranch

Born with a silver lasso in his hand and a twinkle in his eye, the legend of Will Rogers galloped forth from the wild frontier of Oologah, Oklahoma: Visitors can now explore the very ranch where he grew up, turned into the Will Rogers Birthplace Ranch and Museum, and immerse themselves in the life and times of the prairie's favorite cowboy philosopher.
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