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Discover the Glamour: Top 7 Astonishing Fun Facts About Marilyn Monroe

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Dive into the glamorous and intriguing world of Marilyn Monroe with these captivating fun facts that are sure to leave you starstruck!

1. Face-Down Crypt Fan

He wanted to "Rest in Peace" a little too literally, lying above his ultimate celebrity crush: Richard Poncher, a devoted Marilyn Monroe fan, had his remains placed face down on top of her crypt after his death in 1986. After 23 years, however, his wife Elsie sold the crypt, relocating Richard to a neighboring plot and scoring a winning bid of over $4.6 million from an anonymous buyer who now gets to spend eternity directly above Marilyn.
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2. Bookworm Bombshell

If books were the Oscars, Marilyn Monroe would have been Meryl Streep of the literary world: The dazzling blonde bombshell was actually an insatiable bookworm, and her love for literature was so deep that she was often photographed with a book in her hands, proving she had beauty, brains, and a passion for the written word.
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3. Secret Lipstick Weapon

Pucker up, buttercup, and listen closely to the tale of Marilyn Monroe's lip-smacking secret weapon: The blonde bombshell's legendary scarlet pout was actually achieved through meticulous lip contouring and a specific shade of red – Bachelor's Carnation by Revlon or Rouge Diabolique by Guerlain (now replaced by Red Insolence) – not multiple layers of lipstick!
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4. Egg-squisite Breakfast

Talk about an eggs-traordinary morning ritual, Marilyn Monroe certainly knew how to get cracking: the iconic star would whip up a peculiar yet energizing blend of warm milk and raw eggs, gulping it down with a side of multivitamin – a quick and quirky breakfast solution for a busy Hollywood royal on the go.
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Steamy Literary Affairs

5. Steamy Literary Affairs

Whoever said blondes have more fun must've known Marilyn Monroe and her tantalizing affair with... literature! This blonde bombshell's steamy rendezvous included late nights with James Joyce and afternoon flings with Albert Camus: As an avid reader, Marilyn Monroe had an impressive collection of over 180 books, covering a wide range of topics and authors, from classic literature to cooking and gardening. She even had a section on Judaica after converting to Judaism for her marriage to Arthur Miller.
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6. Scar Rescuer Potion

Move over, Dr. Pimple Popper, and let us tell you about Dr. Scar Rescuer: Marilyn Monroe had her very own skincare fairy godmother in the form of Dr. Erno Laszlo, who created a special balm called Phormula 3-8 just for her, to heal an appendectomy scar on her stomach. This enchanting potion has since been reborn as Phormula 3-9, rescuing countless mere mortals from the perils of inflamed and stressed skin.
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7. Perfume Aficionado

If Marilyn Monroe were alive today, she'd give modern influencers a run for their money in the perfume department, and might even have her own line; take that, Kim Kardashian: The iconic blonde bombshell was an ardent perfume aficionado, who preferred wearing Chanel No. 5 as her daily dose of fragrance. She also mixed it with Jean Nate, and her love for jasmine led her to dabble in jasmine-scented oil for her body and hair. Contrary to popular myth, however, she didn't concoct her own unique blend of these perfumes for a signature scent.
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