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Discover the Dazzling World: 12 Fun and Fascinating Facts about Topaz Gems

illustration of topaz
Dive into the fascinating world of topaz, where shimmering hues meet mind-blowing trivia, and prepare to be dazzled by the fun facts that follow!

1. Elvis "Topazly," the Texas State Gemstone

If Texas were to have a favorite gemstone rockin' a blue suede hue, it would be none other than Elvis "Topazly!" himself: Blue topaz, the state gemstone of Texas, may not be commercially mined there anymore, but this silicate-based gemstone still grooves in a variety of colors with the majority hailing from Brazil's shores. Just beware, unlike the King of Rock and Roll's diamond-studded legacy, topaz can't quite handle the paparazzi’s flash – it scratches more easily than diamond, eventually losing its shine.
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2. Pink Lemonade's Rival: Pink Topaz

If you thought pink lemonade was a rare treat, wait till you hear about pink topaz: This elusive gem can range from brownish-champagne to vivid purplish-pink shades, with its rarest varieties fetching up to a whopping $5,000 per carat!
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3. Hot Potato: Topaz's Color Changing Secret

Topaz, the chameleon of the gem world, holds a secret – it's basically playing "hot potato" with its own colors: When heated, this incredible gemstone can not only lose its vibrant hues but also revert to its original, colorless state. It's the unique color centers within topaz that create its various shades, like the golden yellow found in the "American Golden Topaz." Dabbling in some gemstone sorcery, these colors can be artificially introduced through irradiation, though the results often prove unstable and temporary – except for the consistently captivating blue topaz, which never fades in light. A true rock star in every sense!
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4. Topaz: The Bling Magnet for Wealth and Strength

If bling is your thing, and you believe that "mo' money, mo' problems" just isn't a concern for you, then Topaz just might be your gemstone match made in heaven: As a symbol of luxury, abundance, and a swanky business life, Topaz is said to help you attract wealth, increase your strength, and kick your motivation into high gear, making it the perfect partner in your pursuit of opulent aspirations!
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Royal Debut: Imperial Topaz and The Russian Family

5. Royal Debut: Imperial Topaz and The Russian Family

Before the Kardashians claimed the throne, another royal family had a gem of a time: Imperial topaz, first found in Brazil's Minas Gerais in the 18th century, was named for the Russian royal family due to its rare and fancy nature.
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6. Budget-Friendly Eye-Candy: Affordable Topaz Jewelry

Forget raiding the royal treasury for statement jewels; topaz has got you covered in the bling department without exhausting your coin purse: This affordable gemstone is found in large sizes perfect for crafting eye-catching jewelry pieces and can be cut into fancy shapes like ovals, pear shapes, and cushion cuts, offering a veritable feast for the fashion-forward and budget-conscious alike.
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7. Ouro Preto's Hidden Gem: Greenish-Yellow Topaz

Whoever said, "You can't have your topaz and eat it too" must have been talking about the elusive greenish-yellow variety: Greenish-yellow and yellowish-green topazes from Ouro Preto in Brazil are a rare gemstone treat not commonly known to the connoisseuring crowds, despite the region being more famous for its yellow and brown topazes.
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8. Topaz's Global Travels and Supporting Cast Role

Much like a versatile actor switching roles, topaz bedazzles with its warm-hued costume changes, starring in colors like brownish-yellow, orange-yellow, and reddish-brown: A world traveler, topaz twinkles in countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Africa, and China, unbeknownst to you, it doubles as the supporting cast for Sagittarius and is the go-to present for the 19th, 23rd, or - if you hold on tight - the 50th anniversary.
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9. Ancient Fashionable Healthcare: Topaz Power

Topaz: a rock star that could cure your case of "the Mondays" and bring literal meaning to good vibrations: Ancient Greeks and folks from the Middle Ages believed that donning topaz gemstones would enhance mental and physical well-being, and even stave off the Grim Reaper himself – now that's some seriously fashionable healthcare! Though modern science denies these claims, topaz remains a gem of choice among jewelry fans for its durability and kaleidoscope of available colors.
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Topaz: The Natural Fashionista of Gemstones

10. Topaz: The Natural Fashionista of Gemstones

If you thought topaz was just having an identity crisis with its wardrobe of colors, think again: this vibrant gemstone naturally flaunts its fashion sense in a variety of shades, such as imperial topaz, yellow topaz, pink topaz, and even the blue topaz triplets - Swiss blue, London blue, and sky-blue - without any need for cosmetic enhancements!
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11. Imperial Topaz: A Gemstone Fit for Royalty

If kings and queens were to toss back a few shots of gemstone juice, it'd be "imperial topaz" on the rocks: This highly prized golden to reddish-orange hue of topaz reigns supreme, mainly found in Ouro Preto, Brazil – and is so regally rare, it can be worth more than other topaz colors. Just don't mistake it for red topaz, which is more like the upper crust's "rosé" and can be created by putting the golden brown Ouro Preto topaz in the oven – or, you know, delicately heating it.
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12. November vs. December: The Battle of Topaz Hues

November's topaz is feeling so "blue" that it turns light yellow, while December's topaz embraces its "winter blues" and wears them proudly: The imperial topaz, boasting its light yellow hue, represents November's birthstone, while blue topaz snags the title for December. Available in a rainbow of reds, oranges, yellows, browns, and blues, this diverse gemstone is the ultimate fashionista—but remember, its magical powers only work for those who call it their birthstone. Now that's what we call an exclusive club!
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