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Discover the Secrets: Top 9 Unbelievable Fun Facts About the Color White

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Unveil the mysteries and fascinating tales behind the color of purity, snow, and pandas – welcome to the world of white!

1. Snow's Colorful Secret

Who knew snow was such a social chameleon, blending in with every color of the rainbow at high-class arctic parties: In actuality, snow takes on a white appearance as it reflects all colors of light, thanks to its relationships with ice crystals and sunlight angles; and to capture the sheer essence of Jack Frost's winter wonderland, artists cleverly use a smorgasbord of colors, ranging from blues and purples to pinks, while actively avoiding a plus-one of pure white paint.
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2. Mute Swans: Nature's Aquatic Vandals

Behold the mute swan, nature's aquatic lawnmower with an insatiable appetite for all things verdant, a notorious Bill(y) the Kid with a penchant for territorial brawls and some serious anger management issues: These elegant, white-feathered creatures are known to chow down on a staggering 8 pounds of submerged aquatic plants daily, wreaking havoc on native habitats, while simultaneously having a reputation for turf wars, driving away other waterfowl, and even turning hostile towards humans, causing various states and Canadian provinces to launch control programs to keep their populations in check.
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3. White Squirrels: Hide-and-Seek Champs

Did you know that white squirrels lead the pack at hide-and-seek in Colonel Sanders' backyard? Yes, these fur-ball underdogs have their game face on: In fact, white squirrels aren't albino but possess a genetic condition called leucism, which reduces all types of skin pigment. Descendants of the common Eastern Gray Squirrel, they boast a gray patch on their heads and a “dorsal stripe” down their backs. While their striking white fur might make them stand out to predators, it's an asset in environments littered with white buildings or trees. And remember, these nutty ninjas don't just liven up the backyard; they play a crucial role in the ecosystem as scavengers, helping fertilize the soil and grow new trees.
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4. White Cliffs of Dover's Chalky Style

You might think the White Cliffs of Dover are perpetually running late to some British garden tea party, but in reality, they simply refuse to cover up their fabulous natural hue: The cliffs remain white due to erosion which keeps the soft limestone exposed, ultimately stemming from millions of years of planktonic algae and marine creature remains piled up to create this striking chalky façade that doubles as a WWII historical landmark.
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The True Story of The White House

5. The True Story of The White House

In case 50 shades of grey was too many for your presidential color palette, fear not: The White House owes its iconic hue to a lime-based whitewash, originally applied for protective measures. In 1818, the resplendent residence received its famed reapplication, but contrary to popular myth, it wasn't to conceal burns from the War of 1812. Those toasty tidings were actually unearthed during 1990s renovations!
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6. White Tigers: Fierce Fur Fashion

When it comes to fashionable felines, white tigers truly stand out as nature's most purr-suasive catwalk models, strutting their fierce and flawless fur – talk about a genetic jackpot! But it's not all glitz and glamour under the snowy coat: this electrifying coloration is the result of a neat little trick in the SLC45A2 transport protein gene, making the white tiger a rare stunner that occurs only once in 10,000 births.
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7. Wimbledon Whites: Tennis Fashion History

When the going gets tough, the tough wear white: The tradition of wearing all-white tennis attire dates back to Victorian times, when it was considered a symbol of leisure and aristocracy, plus a clever way to hide sweat stains; now, Wimbledon continues to uphold the strict "almost entirely white" dress code for players and some spectators.
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8. Snow White Weddings: Queen Victoria's Trend

Before brides-to-be turned the world into their own personal snow globe, all dressed in white like a game of fashion-forward snowflakes: Queen Victoria actually popularized the trend of white wedding dresses – not so much as a symbol of purity, but to showcase the delicate Honiton lace she wore and to support English lace makers. However, white clothing had already been an emblem of wealth and status for centuries prior, primarily due to the difficulty of keeping it clean before modern bleaching techniques were developed.
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9. Archangel Ray: White Light Wednesdays

"Breaking White": Wednesdays are for more than just pink shirts and "hump day" memes; welcome the angelic world of Walter and Jesse's spiritual cousins – the White Archangel Ray Breaking Bad team: Associated with Archangel Gabriel, this powerful white angel light ray is believed to help individuals on Wednesdays by improving communication skills, boosting clarity, spreading wisdom, and even breaking free from addiction while being linked to the root chakra for an all-around physical, mental, and spiritual health boost – halos not required.
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