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Unveiling the Beauty: Top 9 Enchanting Fun Facts About Jade You Never Knew

illustration of jade
Get ready to embark on a fascinating journey as we explore the mesmerizing world of jade, unveiling its colorful secrets and intriguing stories!

1. Jade: The Indestructible Superhero

Move over, Superman, there's a new hero in town: Jade! With nephrite jade being tougher than a speeding bullet, even the Man of Steel stands no chance against this mineral marvel. In fact, nephrite is the toughest natural substance known to humankind, thrice as mighty as ceramics and even stealing steel's thunder: Its interlocked fibrous structure makes it highly resistant to chipping or breaking when faced with a seemingly infinite array of challenges. Meanwhile, jadeite, another form of jade, boasts a lower toughness level, yet still stands as the second most indestructible mineral ever discovered.
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2. Secret Identity: Nephrite vs Jadeite

In the world of green gems, jade is like the superhero with a secret identity, always imitated but never duplicated: The precious stone exists only in two forms - Nephrite Jade and Jadeite Jade - and while imposters such as serpentine, glass, and quartzite try to step into jade's shoes, their masquerade can be easily unmasked through a thorough gemological examination.
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3. The Glamorous Jade Burial Suits

Before you think you're all decked out in gold and all that glitters, fathom this ancient Chinese power couple who took "till death do us part" quite glamorously: The Han Dynasty ruler Liu Sheng and his princess wife, Dou Wan, were buried in full jade suits made of thousands of hand-carved pieces sewn together with gold thread, not only outshining any red-carpet look, but also trying to immortalize themselves for the afterlife. Only 15 of these anti-aging fashion statements have been found, and they each took an estimated 10 years to create – talk about a long-term investment!
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4. Emperors' Ultimate Gem Accessory

Before sovereigns took fashion tips from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they liked to adorn themselves in more ancient bling: Jade was the jewel of choice for both accessorizing and eternal rest among ancient Chinese royalty, with emperors from the Han Dynasty even rocking custom-made burial suits crafted from the treasured gem.
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Coolest Pal: Ice Jade

5. Coolest Pal: Ice Jade

If diamonds are a girl's best friend, ice jade must be their coolest pal who always chills at exclusive events: This rare and translucent jadeite variety, flaunting a pristine white or pale bluish-green hue, is considered the purest and most valuable form of jade, making it the frosty belle of the jade world.
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6. Ancient Healing Fashion

Feeling a little green around the gills? Ancient healers prescribed jade accessories for everything from heartburn to asthma – a sort of holistic Pepto Bismol with a side of elegance: Jade became highly sought after for its alleged healing properties, with Chinese myth even touting its ability to fend off body decay when buried with the dead. But let's not get too excited – no scientific evidence supports these claims, so popping an antacid might still be a safer bet.
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7. Status Symbol Thread Couture

Whoever said that "clothes make the man" must've had ancient Chinese aristocrats in mind: Jade burial suits, which were the ultimate status symbol reserved for the wealthiest, comprised thousands of tiny jade squares sewn together with threads that indicated social rank - gold thread for emperors, silver thread for princes and princesses, and copper wire or silk threads for upper nobility. These extraordinarily rare outfits took about a decade to make and sadly stopped being produced in A.D. 223 due to sneaky tomb raiders burning the suits to get their grubby little hands on the precious metal threads.
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8. Cool as Jade: Chinese Idioms

Who knew being as cool as a cucumber had ancient Chinese roots? Not only was jade a beloved material in jewelry and art, but it surely gave the Cucumber a run for its money in phrases: Clear as ice and clean as jade, folks! The serious truth: Jade has been intertwined with Chinese idioms, proverbs, and names for thousands of years – symbolizing beauty and virtues – and plays a central role in China's cultural identity since the early Neolithic period.
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9. Jade Mood Ring Colors

If you find yourself strapped for attention while showing off your jade collection, try telling your intrigued guests that it's the ancient version of mood rings: the stone's color indicates your Taoist element and fortune! In East Asian culture, jade's colors symbolize different things – green jade signifies well-being and longevity with the wood element, while red jade represents love and joy as it's connected to the fire element. As a bonus, a jade trinket featuring a mix of hues, like red, green, and white, is considered extra-special and called Fu Lu Shou, named after the gods of happiness, wealth, and longevity.
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