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Discover the Enchanting World of Emeralds: Top 12 Fun Facts Unveiled!

illustration of emeralds
Get ready to be dazzled as we unearth some sparkling fun facts about the enchanting world of emeralds!

1. Emeralds: The Mystical Doctor

Who needs a doctor when you've got an emerald? The sparkling green gem could give Doc McStuffins a run for her money, flexing its mystical muscles as a one-stop-shop for healing everything from heartburn to heartbreak: Historically, emeralds were believed to possess powers that could cure a wide range of ailments, including high blood pressure, heart disorders, skin issues, and even cancer, while also enhancing memory and intelligence. Although there's no scientific evidence to back these claims, emeralds continue to captivate us as stunning symbols of love, fidelity, and regeneration.
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2. May's Birthstone Bling: The Rockefeller Emerald

Feeling "green" with envy, fellow May babies? You've got this dazzling dazzler to call your birthstone buddy: The Rockefeller Emerald, the world's largest flawless emerald, flaunts a whopping $5.5 million price tag, adding a touch of fabulous green to tickle your fancy and jazz up your May birthday celebrations.
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3. Emeralds: Disease-Proof Powerhouses

Forget the man in the moon, it's the man in the emerald who had it all figured out: Emeralds were once thought to have miraculous healing powers, with their wearers being immune to diseases like cholera and malaria, likely because of their historical use by the Incas in religious ceremonies and their mystical reputation for protecting against evil spells.
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4. Emeralds: Ancient Civilization Party Guests

If emeralds could talk, they would tell stories of Egyptian soirées with Cleopatra, mingling with Babylonian bigwigs, and hitching a ride on Incan expeditions – oh, and name-dropping Aristotle from time to time: This verdant gem has fascinated civilizations throughout history, holding a special place as a symbol of spirituality and beauty in diverse cultures, making the emerald an ancient green hero with serious bragging rights.
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Flawed and Fabulous: Authentic Emeralds

5. Flawed and Fabulous: Authentic Emeralds

Guess what? Emeralds are like people – the more "flawed" they are, the more genuine and unique they become! Now, don't go breaking out in an imperfection contest just yet: Gemmologists actually prefer emeralds with inclusions, or "jardin," as they serve as proof of the stone's authenticity, making these seemingly imperfect gems truly one-of-a-kind.
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6. Medicine Cabinet Must-Have: Emeralds

Before the drugstore even thought of raising its green cross, folks were reaching straight for the emerald aisles: Emeralds were once believed to have medicinal properties and were used by Arab, Hindu, and Spanish physicians to treat various ailments such as dysentery and infections.
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7. Spiritual, Wealthy, and Battle-Ready: Indian Emeralds

Emeralds: the OG spiritual detox, wealth magnet, and battle-boosting BFF of ancient India! In all seriousness: these prized gemstones were believed to purify souls, attract riches, and ensure success in combat according to the sacred Vedas, deeply cherished by the people of the Indian subcontinent.
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8. Emeralds: Fertility, Health, and Baby-Making Magic

If you're feeling green with envy over the ancient prowess of emeralds, wait until you hear about their legendary baby-making and health-boosting abilities: in the past, emeralds were believed to help couples struggling with fertility and women facing difficult pregnancies, as well as alleviate stress, emotional disorders, and treat infections and dysentery, according to Arab, Hindu, and Spanish doctors - although modern science politely begs to differ.
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9. Emerald Eye Care: Soothing and Healing

Before you turn green with envy over someone's prized emerald collection, consider this gem of a fact: emeralds were once believed to function like ancient Vicks VapoRub for the eyes, soothing sight, and magically banishing maladies such as epilepsy and malaria.
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Green Envy: Emerald Color and Origins

10. Green Envy: Emerald Color and Origins

Next time you're green with envy, remember it might just be the emeralds talking: These vibrant gemstones derive their verdant hue from traces of chromium within beryl crystals, and their name originates from the Greek word "smaragdos," which translates to "a light green precious stone." Not all emeralds stick to the traditional green script though, as some join the ranks of the creatively chromatic by displaying shades of bluish-green or yellow-green depending on their chromium content.
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11. From Bargain to Bling: Emerald Value Range

Gemstones are just like people: some are dazzling superstars with price tags to match, while others are more of a bargain bin find. Emeralds, with their lush foliage of green, can range from being a mere parking ticket's worth to costing more than an average house: Many factors influence an emerald's value, such as inclusions and blemishes, with low-quality stones fetching around $10 per carat and pristine gems fetching up to $50,000 per carat. For reference, Brooke Astor's 22.74 carat emerald ring sold at a Sotheby's auction for a whopping $1.2 million.
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12. Rare Untreated Emeralds: The Green Superstars

In the world of emeralds, it's not easy being green, especially if you're one of the rare, all-natural gems: Completely untreated emeralds are so scarce, they can fetch premiums of up to 200% over their slightly treated peers, representing a mere 0.5% of the market.
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